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Universal Chalcidoidea Database

Synonymic list

Oodera Westwood, 1874

[ Pteromalidae : Cleonyminae ]
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Oodera Westwood
Westwood, J.O. 1874, Thesaurus entomologicus Oxoniensis; or, illustrations of new, rare, and interesting insects, for the most part contained in the collection presented to the University of Oxford by the Rev. F.W. Hope. pp.145 Oxford     view Westwood, J.O.  (1874) in PDF format
New genus
Type species: Oodera gracilis Westwood, by subsequent designation of, Ashmead, W.H. (1904), Classification of the chalcid flies of the superfamily Chalcidoidea, with descriptions of new species in the Carnegie Museum, collected in South America by Herbert H. Smith. Memoirs of the Carnegie Museum 1(4):288
Dalla Torre, K.W. von (1898), Catalogus Hymenopterorum hucusque descriptorum systematicus et synonymicus. V. Chalcididae et Proctotrupidae. pp. 598pp Lepzig     view Westwood, J.O.  (1874) in PDF format
Valid genus (page 268)
[ Eupelminae. ]
Boucek, Z. (1958), Eine Cleonyminen-Studie; Bestimmungsstabelle der Gattungen mit Beschreibungen und Notizen, eingeschlossen einige Eupelmidae (Hym. Chalcidoidea). Sborník Entomologického Oddeleni Národního Musea v Praze 32 pp. 353-386    
Valid genus (page 375)
[ Cleonymidae. ]
Yang, Z.Q. (1996), Parasitic wasps on bark beetles in China (Hymenoptera) pp. iv+363pp Science Press, Beijing    
Valid genus (pages 96-100,310-311)
Stellophora Risbec
Risbec, J. 1951, 1. Les Chalcidoides de l'Afrique occidentale française. Mémoires de l'Institute Français d'Afrique Noire, Ifan-Dakar 13:239    
New genus
Type species: Stellophora magnifica Risbec, by monotypy
Boucek, Z. (1958), Eine Cleonyminen-Studie; Bestimmungsstabelle der Gattungen mit Beschreibungen und Notizen, eingeschlossen einige Eupelmidae (Hym. Chalcidoidea). Sborník Entomologického Oddeleni Národního Musea v Praze 32 pp. 353-386    
Synonym of Oodera Westwood (page 375)