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Universal Chalcidoidea Database

Synonymic list

Enoggera Girault, 1926

[ Pteromalidae : Asaphinae ]
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Enoggera Girault
Girault, A.A. 1926, Hymenoptera minutae nova Australiensis pp.1 private publication, Brisbane     view Girault, A.A.  (1926) in PDF format
New genus
Type species: Enoggera polita Girault, by monotypy
Naumann, I.D. (1991), Revision of the Australian genus Enoggera Girault (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae: Asaphinae). Journal of the Australian Entomological Society 30(1) pp. 1-17    
Valid genus (pages 1-17)
Neder de Román, L.E. (1999), Nuevo género y especie de Asaphinae (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) de la prepuna de la Argentina. Revista de la Sociedad Entomológica Argentina 58(3-4) pp. 129-132    
Compared with Desantisiana Neder de Roman (page 129)
Enoggerella Girault
Girault, A.A. 1926, New pests from Australia pp.1 private publication, Brisbane     view Girault, A.A.  (1926) in PDF format
New genus
Type species: Enoggerella nassaui Girault, by monotypy
Boucek, Z. (1988), Australasian Chalcidoidea (Hymenoptera). A biosystematic revision of genera of fourteen families, with a reclassification of species. pp. 832pp. CAB International, Wallingford, Oxon, U.K., Cambrian News Ltd; Aberystwyth, Wales    
Synonym of Enoggera Girault (page 345)