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Universal Chalcidoidea Database

Synonymic list

Bootanomyia stigmatizans Fabricius, 1798

[ Megastigmidae ]
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Bootanomyia stigmatizans (Fabricius)
Doganlar, M. (2011), Review of Paleatcic and Australian species of Bootanomyia Girault 1915 (Hymenoptera: Torymidae: Megastigminae), with description of new species. Turkish Journal of Zoology 35(2) pp. 123-157    
New combination for Ichneumon stigmatizans Fabricius (page 149)
Callimome stigma (Fabricius)
Curtis, J. (1829), A guide to an arrangement of British Insects; being a catalogue of all the named species hitherto discovered in Great Britain and Ireland pp. 256pp London    
New combination for Cleptes stigma Fabricius (page 119)
Cleptes stigma Fabricius
Fabricius, J.C. 1804, Systema Piezatorum 2:155 A.C. Reichard, Brunsvigae [ Replacement name for Ichneumon stigmatizans Fabricius, 1798. ]    
Decatoma stigma (Fabricius)
Spinola, M. (1811), Essai d'une nouvelle classification générale des Diplolépaires. Annales du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle. Paris. 17 pp. 138-152     view   () in PDF format
New combination for Cleptes stigma Fabricius (page 151)
Ichneumon stigmatizans Fabricius
Fabricius, J.C. 1798, Supplementum Entomologiae systematicae pp.230 Copenhagen    
New species , Italy
Megastigmus giganteus Walker
Walker, F. 1852, Notes on Chalcidites, and descriptions of various new species. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (2) 9:39     view Walker, F.  (1852) in PDF format
New species , Europe
Dalla Torre, K.W. von (1898), Catalogus Hymenopterorum hucusque descriptorum systematicus et synonymicus. V. Chalcididae et Proctotrupidae. pp. 598pp Lepzig     view Walker, F.  (1852) in PDF format
Synonym of Megastigmus stigmatizans (Fabricius) (page 287)
Megastigmus stigmatizans (Fabricius)
Mayr, G.L. (1874), Die europäischen Torymiden, biologisch und systematisch bearbeitet. Verhandlungen der Kaiserlich Königlichen Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien 24 pp. 53-142     view   () in PDF format
New combination for Ichneumon stigmatizans Fabricius (page 131)
Stojanova, A. (2007), Lectotype designation and redescription of Megastigmus synophri Mayr, 1874 (Insecta: Hymenoptera: Torymidae). Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 108B pp. 57-66    
Compared with Megastigmus synophri Mayr (page 64)
Misocampus stigmatizans (Fabricius)
Dufour, L. (1847), Notice sur le Miscocampus stigmatizans (Ichneumon stigmatizans Fabr.). Annales de la Société Entomologique de France (2) 5 pp. 441-444     view   () in PDF format
New combination for Ichneumon stigmatizans Fabricius (pages 441-444)
Monodontomerus stigma (Fabricius)
Westwood, J.O. (1839), Synopsis of the genera of British insects. Order VI. Trichoptera Kirby. Order VII. Hymenoptera Linn. (Piezata Fab.). Introduction to the modern classification of insects founded on the natural habits and corresponding organisation; with observations on the economy and transformations of the different families. 2(XIII) (appendix) pp. 49-80 Longman, Orme, Brown, Green, and Longmans, London    
Misspelt species name, new combination for Ichneumon stigmatizans Fabricius (page 67)
Torymus puparum Schmidt
Schmidt, F. 1851, Inhabitants of oak-galls at Laybach. Bericht über die Mitteilungen von Freunden der Naturwissenschaften in Wien 7:51    
New species , Austria
Torymus stigma (Fabricius)
Nees ab Esenbeck, C.G. (1834), Hymenopterorum Ichneumonibus affinium, Monographiae, genera Europaea et species illustrantes 2 pp. 448pp Stuttgart und Tübingen     view   () in PDF format
Misspelt species name, new combination for Ichneumon stigmatizans Fabricius (pages 65, 418)