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Universal Chalcidoidea Database

Synonymic list

Eurytoma dentata Mayr, 1878

[ Eurytomidae : Eurytominae ]
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Eurytoma dentata Mayr
Mayr, G.L. 1878, Arten der Chalcidier-Gattung Eurytoma durch Zucht erhalten. Verhandlungen der Kaiserlich Königlichen Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien 28:300,304,308     view Mayr, G.L.  (1878) in PDF format
New species , Austria
Zerova, M.D.; Seryogina, L.Y.; Harten, A. van (2008), New and previously unknown Eurytomidae (Hymenoptera) species from Yemen. Zoologicheskiy Zhurnal 87(8) pp. 948-963    
Compared with Eurytoma cyrtophorae Zerova (page 952)
Sureshan, P.M.; Narendran, T.C.; Nikhil, K. (2013), Parasitoids (Hymenoptera) of xylophagous beetles (Coleoptera) attacking dead wood in southern Western Ghats, Kerala, India, with descriptions of two new species. Journal of Threatened Taxa 5(9) pp. 4385-4391     view Mayr, G.L.  (1878) in PDF format
Compared with Eurytoma chinnarensis Narendran and Sureshan (page 4387)
Eurytoma denticoxa Gahan
Gahan, A.B. 1919, Report on a small collection of Indian parasitic Hymenoptera. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 56:515     view Gahan, A.B.  (1919) in PDF format
New species, USNM, India
Gahan, A.B. (1938), Notes on some genera and species of Chalcidoidea (Hymenoptera). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 40 pp. 209-227     view Gahan, A.B.  (1919) in PDF format
Synonym of Eurytoma nesiotes Crawford (page 210)
Narendran, T.C. (1994), Torymidae and Eurytomidae of Indian subcontinent (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) pp. 500pp Zoological Monograph, Department of Zoology, University of Calicut, Kerala, India     view Gahan, A.B.  (1919) in PDF format
Synonym of Eurytoma dentata Mayr (page 229)
Eurytoma dentipectus Gahan
Gahan, A.B. 1919, Report on a small collection of Indian parasitic Hymenoptera. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 56:516     view Gahan, A.B.  (1919) in PDF format
New species, USNM, India
Gahan, A.B. (1938), Notes on some genera and species of Chalcidoidea (Hymenoptera). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 40 pp. 209-227     view Gahan, A.B.  (1919) in PDF format
Synonym of Eurytoma nesiotes Crawford (page 210)
Narendran, T.C. (1994), Torymidae and Eurytomidae of Indian subcontinent (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) pp. 500pp Zoological Monograph, Department of Zoology, University of Calicut, Kerala, India     view Gahan, A.B.  (1919) in PDF format
Synonym of Eurytoma dentata Mayr (page 229)
Eurytoma fulvipes Crawford
Crawford, J.C. 1910, New Hymenoptera from the Philippine Islands. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 38:129     view Crawford, J.C.  (1910) in PDF format
New species, USNM, Philippines
Crawford, J.C. (1911), Descriptions of new Hymenoptera. No. 3. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 41 pp. 267-282     view Crawford, J.C.  (1910) in PDF format
Junior secondary homonym of Eurytoma fulvipes (Fitch) (page 273)
Eurytoma nesiotes Crawford
Crawford, J.C. 1911, Descriptions of new Hymenoptera. No. 3. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 41:273 [ Replacement name for Eurytoma fulvipes Crawford, 1910, nec (Fitch, 1859). ]     view Crawford, J.C.  (1911) in PDF format
Narendran, T.C. (1994), Torymidae and Eurytomidae of Indian subcontinent (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) pp. 500pp Zoological Monograph, Department of Zoology, University of Calicut, Kerala, India     view Crawford, J.C.  (1911) in PDF format
Synonym of Eurytoma dentata Mayr (page 229)