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Universal Chalcidoidea Database

Synonymic list

Aprostocetus esurus Riley, 1879

[ Eulophidae : Tetrastichinae ]
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Aprostocetus (Aprostocetus) esurus (Riley)
LaSalle, J. (1994), North American genera of Tetrastichinae (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae). Journal of Natural History 28 pp. 109-236    
New combination for Cirrospilus esurus Riley (page 144)
Cirrospilus esurus Riley
Riley, C.V. 1879, Parasites of the cotton worm. Canadian Entomologist 11(9):162     view Riley, C.V.  (1879) in PDF format
New species, USNM, United States of America
Syntomosphyrum esurus (Riley)
Viereck, H.L. (1916), Guide to the insects of Connecticut. Part III. The Hymenoptera, or wasp-like insects, of Connecticut. Chalcidoidea. Bulletin. Connecticut State Geological and Natural History Survey. 22 pp. 443-528,772-776    
New combination for Cirrospilus esurus Riley (page 452)
Syntomosphyrum orgyiae Ashmead
Ashmead, W.H. 1894, Descriptions of new parasitic Hymenoptera. Transactions of the American Entomological Society 21:343     view Ashmead, W.H.  (1894) in PDF format
New species, USNM, United States of America-Virginia
Peck, O. (1951), Superfamily Chalcidoidea. (In: Muesebeck, C.F.W., Krombein, K.V. & Townes, H.K. (Editors). Hymenoptera of America north of Mexico - synoptic catalog.) Agriculture Monographs. U.S. Department of Agriculture. 2 pp. 410-594     view Ashmead, W.H.  (1894) in PDF format
Synonym of Syntomosphyrum esurus (Riley) (page 451)
Tetrastichus esurus (Riley)
Howard, L.O. (1885), Descriptions of North American Chalcididae from the collections of the U.S. Department of Agriculture and of Dr C.V. Riley, with biological notes. (First paper). Together with a list of the described North American species of the family. Bulletin of the United States Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Entomology No 5 pp. 1-47     view   () in PDF format
New combination for Cirrospilus esurus Riley (page 47)