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Universal Chalcidoidea Database

Synonymic list

Closterocerus utahensis Crawford, 1912

[ Eulophidae : Entedoninae ]
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Closterocerus californicus Girault
Burks, B.D. (1979), Torymidae (Agaoninae) and all other families of Chalcidoidea (excluding Encyrtidae). (In: Krombein, K.V.; Hurd, P.D. jr.; Smith, D.R.; Burks, B.D., Editors.) Catalog of Hymenoptera in America North of Mexico 1:1007
(Earliest use of name recorded in this database)
Closterocerus utahensis Crawford
Crawford, J.C. 1912, Descriptions of new Hymenoptera, no 5. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 43:175     view Crawford, J.C.  (1912) in PDF format
New species, Lectotype , USNM, United States of America-Utah, designated by Hansson, C. (1994) (31/03/1994), Re-evaluation of the genus Closterocerus Westwood (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae), with a revision of the Nearctic species. Entomologica Scandinavica 25:13
Closterocerus utahensis californicus Girault
Girault, A.A. 1916, Descriptions of miscellaneous North-American chalcidoid Hymenoptera. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 51:46     view Girault, A.A.  (1916) in PDF format
Variety, Holotype , USNM, United States of America-California
Hansson, C. (1994), Re-evaluation of the genus Closterocerus Westwood (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae), with a revision of the Nearctic species. Entomologica Scandinavica 25 pp. 1-25    
Synonym of Closterocerus utahensis Crawford (page 13)
Closterocerus utahensis utahensis Crawford
Peck, O. (1963), A catalogue of the Nearctic Chalcidoidea (Insecta; Hymenoptera). Canadian Entomologist (Supplement) 30 pp. 1-1092    
Subspecies (page 196)
Closterocerus (Closterocerus) utahensis Crawford
Hansson, C. (1994), Re-evaluation of the genus Closterocerus Westwood (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae), with a revision of the Nearctic species. Entomologica Scandinavica 25 pp. 1-25    
Valid species (page 13)