plathyhypenae Howard
Bultman, T.L.; Borowicz, K.L.; Schneble, R.M.; Coudron, T.A.; Bush, L.P. (1997),
Effect of a fungal endophyte on the growth and survival of two Euplectrus parasitoids.
pp. 170-176
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Misspelling of species group name
Euplectrus platyhypenae Howard
(pages 170-176)
plathypenae Howard
Coudron, T.A.; Schauff, M.E.; Steiner, W.W.; Dillwith, J.W.; Bergman, D.K.; Puttler, B.; Sacks, J.M. (1993),
Morphological and chemical differences between the ectoparasitoids Euplectrus comstockii and Euplectrus platyhypenae (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae).
Annals of the Entomological Society of America
pp. 551-559
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Misspelling of species group name
Euplectrus platyhypenae Howard
(pages 551-559)
plathyphenae Howard
Rios-Velasco, C.; Gallegos-Campos, J.; Cerna-Chavez, E.; Del Rincon-Castro, M.C.; Valenzuela-Garcia, R. (2011),
Natural enemies of the fall armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in Coahuila, Mexico.
Florida Entomologist
pp. 723-726
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Misspelling of species group name
Euplectrus platyhypenae Howard
(page 723)
platyhypenae Howard
Howard, L.O. 1885, Descriptions of North American Chalcididae from the collections of the U.S. Department of Agriculture and of Dr C.V. Riley, with biological notes. (First paper). Together with a list of the described North American species of the family. Bulletin of the United States Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Entomology
No 5:26
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New species,
Canada-British Columbia,
designated by Hansson, C.; Smith, M.A.; Janzen, D.H.; Hallwachs, W (2015) (10/03/2015), Integrative taxonomy of New World Euplectrus Westwood (Hymenoptera, Eulophidae), with focus on 55 new species from Area de Conservación Guanacaste, northwestern Costa Rica. ZooKeys
Kamijo, K. (2003),
Two new species of Euplectrus (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) from Japan.
Japanese Journal of Systematic Entomology
pp. 37-41
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Compared with
Euplectrus kuboi Kamijo
(page 40)
Compared with
Euplectrus separatae Kamijo
(page 38)
Zhu, C.D.; Huang, D.W. (2003),
A study of the genus Euplectrus Westwood (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) in China.
Zoological Studies
pp. 140-164
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Compared with
Euplectrus nigrescens Ferriere
(page 161)
Yang, Z.Q.; Yao, Y.X.; Cao, L.M. (2015),
Chalcidoidea parasitizing forest defoliators (Hymenoptera)
pp. 296pp
Science Press, Beijing, China (ISBN 978-7-03-043647-4)
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Compared with
Euplectrus varifuniculus Yang and Cao
(pages 109,244)
Hansson, C.; Schmidt, S. (2018),
Revision of the European species of Euplectrus Westwood (Hymenoptera, Eulophidae), with a key to European species of Euplectrini.
Journal of Hymenoptera Research
pp. 1-35
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Compared with
Euplectrus nigriceps Ferriere
(page 24)
platyhyperae Howard
Haeselbarth, E. (1989),
Determination list of entomophagous insects. No. 11.
Bulletin. Section Regionale Ouest Palaearctique, Organisation Internationale de Lutte Biologique.
pp. i+63pp
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Misspelling of species group name
Euplectrus platyhypenae Howard
(page 32)
plathyhypenae Howard
Rojas Rojas, J.A.; Gomez Sousa, J.R.; Barreda Valdezm A. (2001),
Control of Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith) using different biological methods.
Centro AgrÃcola, Cuba
pp. 19-22
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Misspelling of genus and species names of
Euplectrus platyhypenae Howard
(pages 19-22)