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Universal Chalcidoidea Database

Synonymic list

Elasmus anticles Walker, 1846

[ Eulophidae : Eulophinae ]
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Elasmus albomaculatus Gahan
Gahan, A.B. 1920, New reared parasitic Hymenoptera from the Philippines. Philippine Journal of Science 17:347     view Gahan, A.B.  (1920) in PDF format
New species, Holotype , USNM, Philippines
Kerrich, G.J. (1970), On the type material and synonymy of Elasmus anticles Walker and Pediobius imbreus Walker (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea). Oriental Insects 4 pp. 89-91     view Gahan, A.B.  (1920) in PDF format
Synonym of Elasmus anticles Walker (page 90)
Elasmus anticles Walker
Walker, F. 1846, List of the specimens of Hymenopterous insects in the collection of the British Museum. Part 1 Chalcidites pp.181 London     view Walker, F.  (1846) in PDF format
New species, , HDOU, India-Maharashtra
Verma, M.; Hayat, M.; Kazmi, S.I. (2002), The species of Elasmus from India (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Eulophidae). Oriental Insects 36 pp. 245-306     view Walker, F.  (1846) in PDF format
Compared with Elasmus unicolor (Rondani) (page 258)
Compared with Elasmus funereus Riek (page 258)
Compared with Elasmus bellicaput Girault (page 258)
Elasmus ricinus Husain and Kudeshia
Husain, T.; Kudeshia, P.P. 1984, New Elasmus (Hymenoptera, Elasmidae) from India. Polskie Pismo Entomologiczne 54:363-365    
New species, , figs., Holotype , ZAMU, India-Uttar Pradesh
Compared with Elasmus anticles Walker (pages 363-365)
Verma, M.; Hayat, M.; Kazmi, S.I. (2002), The species of Elasmus from India (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Eulophidae). Oriental Insects 36 pp. 245-306     view Husain, T.; Kudeshia, P.P.  (1984) in PDF format
Possible synonym of Elasmus anticles Walker (page 258)
Narendran, T.C.; Sheeba, M.; Kulkarni, H. (2008), A review on the taxonomy of the Indian species of Elasmus Westwood (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Eulophidae: Eulophinae: Elasmini). Biospectra 3(1) pp. 1-25    
Synonym of Elasmus anticles Walker (pages 2,15)