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Universal Chalcidoidea Database

Synonymic list

Aulogymnus obscuripes Mayr, 1877

[ Eulophidae : Eulophinae ]
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Aulogymnus obscuripes (Mayr)
Kalina, V. (1989), Checklist of Czechoslovak Insects III (Hymenoptera). Chalcidoidea. Acta Faunistica Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 19:120
(Earliest use of name recorded in this database)
Olynx obscuripes Mayr
Mayr, G.L. 1877, Die Chalcidier-Gatung Olinx. Verhandlungen der Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien 27:158, 163     view Mayr, G.L.  (1877) in PDF format
New species, Lectotype , NHMV, Austria, designated by Askew, R.R. (1959) (24/04/1959), A revision of the British species of the genus Olynx Förster (Hym., Eulophidae). Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 95:50