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Universal Chalcidoidea Database

Synonymic list

Aulogymnus flavitibiae Girault, 1916

[ Eulophidae : Eulophinae ]
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Aulogymnus flavitibiae (Girault)
Schauff, M.E.; LaSalle, J. (1993), Nomenclatural notes on genera of North American Eulophidae (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 95(3) pp. 488-503    
New combination for Mirolynx flavitibiae Girault (page 492)
Mirolynx flavitibiae Girault
Girault, A.A. 1916, New North-American Hymenoptera of the family Eulophidae. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 51:131     view Girault, A.A.  (1916) in PDF format
New species, Lectotype , USNM, United States of America-California, designated by Schauff, M.E.; Gates, M.W. (2005) (30/12/2005), Review of Nearctic Aulogymnus (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) with nomenclatural changes. Acta Societatis Zoologicae Bohemoslovenicae 69(1-2):233,234