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Universal Chalcidoidea Database

Synonymic list

Blepyrus insularis Cameron, 1886

[ Encyrtidae : Tetracneminae ]
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Blepyrus annulobliqus Kaul and Agarwal
Kaul, K.; Agarwal, M.M. 1986, Taxonomic studies on encyrtid parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) of India (with XVII plates). Aligarh Muslim University Publication, Zoological Series on Indian Insect Types 13:50-52    
New species, , figs., Holotype , ZAMU, India-Madhya Pradesh
Hayat, M. (1989), Taxonomic notes on Indian Encyrtidae (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) IV. Oriental Insects 23 pp. 275-285     view Kaul, K.; Agarwal, M.M.  (1986) in PDF format
Synonym of Blepyrus insularis (Cameron) (page 278)
Blepyrus insularis (Cameron)
Timberlake, P.H. (1918), Notes on some immigrant parasitic Hymenoptera of the Hawaiian islands. Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society 3 pp. 399-404     view   () in PDF format
New combination for Encyrtus insularis Cameron (page 403)
Noyes, J.S. (2000), Encyrtidae of Costa Rica (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea), 1. The subfamily Tetracneminae, parasitoids of mealybugs (Homoptera: Pseudococcidae). Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute 62 pp. 1-355    
Compared with Blepyrus sappho Noyes (page 199)
Pandey, S.; Khan, M.A. (2009), A new species of the genus Blepyrus Howard (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) from India. Journal of Entomological Research, New Delhi 33(2) pp. 175-178    
Compared with Blepyrus indicus Pandey and Khan (page 177)
Blepyrus longiscapus Kaul and Agarwal
Kaul, K.; Agarwal, M.M. 1986, Taxonomic studies on encyrtid parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) of India (with XVII plates). Aligarh Muslim University Publication, Zoological Series on Indian Insect Types 13:50    
New species, , Lectotype , ZAMU, India, designated by Hayat, M. (1999) (01/07/1999), Taxonomic notes on Indian Encyrtidae (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) - V. Oriental Insects 33:360
Hayat, M. (1989), Taxonomic notes on Indian Encyrtidae (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) IV. Oriental Insects 23 pp. 275-285     view Kaul, K.; Agarwal, M.M.  (1986) in PDF format
Synonym of Blepyrus insularis (Cameron) (page 278)
Hayat, M. (1999), Taxonomic notes on Indian Encyrtidae (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) - V. Oriental Insects 33 pp. 349-407     view Kaul, K.; Agarwal, M.M.  (1986) in PDF format
Synonym of Blepyrus insularis (Cameron) (page 360)
Blepyrus marsdeni Howard
Howard, L.O. 1898, On some new parasitic insects of the subfamily Encyrtinae. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 21:234     view Howard, L.O.  (1898) in PDF format
New species, USNM, Hawaii
Timberlake, P.H. (1918), Notes on some immigrant parasitic Hymenoptera of the Hawaiian islands. Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society 3 pp. 399-404     view Howard, L.O.  (1898) in PDF format
Synonym of Blepyrus insularis (Cameron) (page 403)
Blepyrus mexicanus Howard
Howard, L.O. 1898, On some new parasitic insects of the subfamily Encyrtinae. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 21:234     view Howard, L.O.  (1898) in PDF format
New species, USNM, Mexico
Timberlake, P.H. (1922), Notes on the identity and habits of Blepyrus insularis Cameron (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea). Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society 5(1) pp. 167-173     view Howard, L.O.  (1898) in PDF format
Synonym of Blepyrus insularis (Cameron) (page 170)
Blepyrus texanus Howard
Howard, L.O. 1898, On some new parasitic insects of the subfamily Encyrtinae. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 21:235     view Howard, L.O.  (1898) in PDF format
New species, USNM, United States of America-Texas
Timberlake, P.H. (1918), Notes on some immigrant parasitic Hymenoptera of the Hawaiian islands. Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society 3 pp. 399-404     view Howard, L.O.  (1898) in PDF format
Synonym of Blepyrus insularis (Cameron) (page 403)
Clausenia saissetiae Yasumatsu and Yoshimura
Yasumatsu, K.; Yoshimura, S. 1945, Some chalcidoid parasites of Saissetia nigra and S. hemisphaerica in Micronesia. Mushi 16(7):31    
New species, Holotype , KYUN, Micronesia
Kerrich, G.J. (1967), On the classification of the anagyrine Encyrtidae, with a revision of some of the genera (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea). Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) (Entomology) 20(5) pp. 143-250     view Yasumatsu, K.; Yoshimura, S.  (1945) in PDF format
Synonym of Blepyrus insularis (Cameron) (page 226)
Coccophoctonus dactylopii Ashmead
Ashmead, W.H. 1900, On the genera of chalcid-flies belonging to the subfamily Encyrtinae. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 22:375     view Ashmead, W.H.  (1900) in PDF format
New species, USNM, Australia
Timberlake, P.H. (1918), Notes on some immigrant parasitic Hymenoptera of the Hawaiian islands. Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society 3 pp. 399-404     view Ashmead, W.H.  (1900) in PDF format
Synonym of Blepyrus mexicanus Howard (page 403)
Encyrtus insularis Cameron
Blackburn, T.; Cameron, P. 1886, On the Hymenoptera of the Hawaiian Islands. Memoirs of the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society (3) 10:243     view Blackburn, T.; Cameron, P.  (1886) in PDF format
New species, Holotype , BMNH, Hawaii