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Universal Chalcidoidea Database

Synonymic list

Encyrtus infelix Embleton, 1902

[ Encyrtidae : Encyrtinae ]
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Comys infelix Embleton
Embleton, A.L. 1902, On the economic importance of the parasites of Coccidae. Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London 35:223     view Embleton, A.L.  (1902) in PDF format
New species, Lectotype , ZMCU, United Kingdom-England, designated by Graham, M.W.R. de V. (1969), Synonymic and descriptive notes on European Encyrtidae (Hym; Chalcidoidea). Polskie Pismo Entomologiczne 39:308
Encyrtus infelix (Embleton)
Trjapitzin, V.A. (1989), Parasitic Hymenoptera of the Fam. Encyrtidae of Palaearctics. Opredeliteli po Faune SSSR 158 pp. 1-489 Zoologicheskim Institutom Akademii Nauk SSR, Leningrad    
Valid species (page 370)
Noyes, J.S. (2010), Encyrtidae of Costa Rica (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea), 3. Subfamily Encyrtinae: Encyrtini, Echthroplexiellini, Discodini, Oobiini and Ixodiphagini, parasitoids associated with bugs (Hemiptera), insect eggs (Hemiptera, Lepidoptera, Coleoptera, Neuroptera) and ticks (Acari). Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute 84 pp. 848pp    
Compared with Encyrtus aurantii (Geoffroy) (page 105)
Compared with Encyrtus axalis Noyes (page 124)
Encyrtus tananarivensis (Risbec)
Prinsloo, G.L. (1983), A parasitoid-host index of Afrotropical Encyrtidae (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea). Entomology Memoirs of the Department of Agriculture, Republic of South Africa 60:8,23
(Earliest use of name recorded in this database)
    view Prinsloo, G.L.  (1983) in PDF format
Eucomys hortensis Girault
Girault, A.A. 1915, Australian Hymenoptera Chalcidoidea - VII. The family Encyrtidae with descriptions of new genera and species. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 4:130     view Girault, A.A.  (1915) in PDF format
New species, Holotype , QMB, Australia-Queensland
Noyes, J.S. (1988), Encyrtidae (Insecta: Hymenoptera). Fauna of New Zealand 13 pp. 188pp     view Girault, A.A.  (1915) in PDF format
Synonym of Encyrtus infelix (Embleton) (page 72)
Eucomys proserpinensis Girault
Girault, A.A. 1915, Australian Hymenoptera Chalcidoidea - VII. The family Encyrtidae with descriptions of new genera and species. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 4:130     view Girault, A.A.  (1915) in PDF format
New species, Syntypes, QMB, Australia-Queensland
Noyes, J.S. (1988), Encyrtidae (Insecta: Hymenoptera). Fauna of New Zealand 13 pp. 188pp     view Girault, A.A.  (1915) in PDF format
Synonym of Encyrtus infelix (Embleton) (page 72)
Eucomys tananarivensis Risbec
Risbec, J. 1952, Contribution á l'étude des chalcidoides de Madagascar. Mémoires de l'Institut Scientifique de Madagascar (E) 2:7    
New species, , figs., Holotype , MNHN, Madagascar
Prinsloo, G.L. (1991), Revision of the Afrotropical species of Encyrtus Latreille (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae). Entomology Memoir of the Department of Agricultural Development of the Republic of South Africa No 84 pp. 30pp     view Risbec, J.  (1952) in PDF format
Synonym of Encyrtus infelix (Embleton) (pages 20-21)