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Universal Chalcidoidea Database

Synonymic list

Conura belti (Cameron, 1904)

[ Chalcididae : Chalcidinae ]

Conura (Spilochalcis) belti (Cameron)
Delvare, G. (1992), A reclassification of the Chalcidini with a checklist of the New World species. Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute 53 pp. 119-441, 443-466    
New combination for Spilochalcis belti Cameron (pages 366-367)
Spilochalcis belti Cameron
Cameron, P. 1904, New Hymenoptera, mostly from Nicaragua. Invertebrata Pacifica 1:55    
New species, Lectotype, USNM, Nicaragua, designated by Delvare, G. (1992) (13/11/1992), A reclassification of the Chalcidini with a checklist of the New World species. Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute 53:366-367