Girault, A.A. 1913, More new genera and species of chalcidoid Hymenoptera. Hymenoptera from Paraguay. Archiv für Naturgeschichte (A)
| |
| |
New genus
Type species: Arretoceroidella flava Girault,
original designation and monotypy
Burks, B.D. (1936),
The Nearctic Dirhinini and Epitranini (Hymenoptera, Chalcididae).
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Washington
pp. 283-287
| |
Synonym of
Epitranus Walker
(page 286)
Delvare, G. (1992),
A reclassification of the Chalcidini with a checklist of the New World species.
Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute
pp. 119-441, 443-466
| |
Synonym of
Conura Spinola
(page 193)
Ashmead, W.H. 1904, Classification of the chalcid flies of the superfamily Chalcidoidea, with descriptions of new species in the Carnegie Museum, collected in South America by Herbert H. Smith. Memoirs of the Carnegie Museum
| |
| |
New genus
Type species: Ceratosmicra petiolata Ashmead,
original designation and monotypy
Valid genus
(page 251)
[ Chalcidinae. ]
Burks, B.D. (1940),
Revision of the chalcid-flies of the tribe Chalcidini in America north of Mexico.
Proceedings of the United States National Museum
pp. 237-354
| |
Valid genus
(page 343)
Delvare, G. (1988),
Some important morphological features of the Chalcidini (Hymenoptera: Chalcididae) and their implications in the classification of the tribe.
Advances in Parasitic Hymenoptera Research: Proceedings of the Second Conference on the Taxonomy and Biology of Parasitic Hymenoptera, Gainsville, November 1987.
pp. 25-64
(Ed: Gupta, V.K.)
E.J. Brill, Leiden, Netherlands
| |
Synonym of
Spilochalcis Thomson
(page 42)
Spinola, M. 1837, Conure. Conura. Spinola. Magasin de Zoologie
| |
| |
New genus
Type species: Conura flavicans Spinola,
by monotypy
Dalla Torre, K.W. von (1898),
Catalogus Hymenopterorum hucusque descriptorum systematicus et synonymicus. V. Chalcididae et Proctotrupidae.
pp. 598pp
| |
Valid genus
(page 403)
[ Chalcidinae. ]
Ashmead, W.H. (1904),
Classification of the chalcid flies of the superfamily Chalcidoidea, with descriptions of new species in the Carnegie Museum, collected in South America by Herbert H. Smith.
Memoirs of the Carnegie Museum
pp. i-xi,225-551,39pls
| |
Valid genus
(page 255)
[ Chalcidinae. ]
Delvare, G. (1992),
A reclassification of the Chalcidini with a checklist of the New World species.
Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute
pp. 119-441, 443-466
| |
Valid genus
(pages 192-441)
Moitoza, F.J. (1994),
A revision of the C. maculata species group of Conura Spinola in America, north of Mexico, and a new species of the C. immaculata species group of Conura (Hymenoptera: Chalcididae).
Pan-Pacific Entomologist
pp. 168-182
| |
Valid genus
(pages 1681-82)
Conura (Ceratosmicra
Delvare, G. (1992),
A reclassification of the Chalcidini with a checklist of the New World species.
Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute
pp. 119-441, 443-466
| |
New status for
Ceratosmicra Ashmead
(page 192)
Conura (Spilochalcis
Delvare, G. (1992),
A reclassification of the Chalcidini with a checklist of the New World species.
Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute
pp. 119-441, 443-466
| |
New status for
Spilochalcis Thomson
(page 192)
Ashmead, W.H. 1888, A revised generic table of the Chalcidinae. Entomologica Americana
| |
| |
New genus
Type species: Smicra carolina Ashmead,
by subsequent designation of, Ashmead, W.H. (1904), Classification of the chalcid flies of the superfamily Chalcidoidea, with descriptions of new species in the Carnegie Museum, collected in South America by Herbert H. Smith. Memoirs of the Carnegie Museum
Dalla Torre, K.W. von (1898),
Catalogus Hymenopterorum hucusque descriptorum systematicus et synonymicus. V. Chalcididae et Proctotrupidae.
pp. 598pp
| |
Valid genus
(page 384)
[ Chalcidinae. ]
Ashmead, W.H. (1904),
Classification of the chalcid flies of the superfamily Chalcidoidea, with descriptions of new species in the Carnegie Museum, collected in South America by Herbert H. Smith.
Memoirs of the Carnegie Museum
pp. i-xi,225-551,39pls
| |
Valid genus
(page 252)
[ Chalcidinae. ]
Burks, B.D. (1940),
Revision of the chalcid-flies of the tribe Chalcidini in America north of Mexico.
Proceedings of the United States National Museum
pp. 237-354
| |
Synonym of
Spilochalcis Thomson
(page 263)
Delvare, G. (1992),
A reclassification of the Chalcidini with a checklist of the New World species.
Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute
pp. 119-441, 443-466
| |
Synonym of
Conura Spinola
(page 192)
Ashmead, W.H. 1904, Classification of the chalcid flies of the superfamily Chalcidoidea, with descriptions of new species in the Carnegie Museum, collected in South America by Herbert H. Smith. Memoirs of the Carnegie Museum
| |
| |
New genus
Type species: Smiera exinaniens Walker,
original designation
Burks, B.D. (1940),
Revision of the chalcid-flies of the tribe Chalcidini in America north of Mexico.
Proceedings of the United States National Museum
pp. 237-354
| |
Synonym of
Spilochalcis Thomson
(page 263)
Delvare, G. (1992),
A reclassification of the Chalcidini with a checklist of the New World species.
Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute
pp. 119-441, 443-466
| |
Synonym of
Conura Spinola
(page 193)
Kirby, W.F. 1883, Remarks on the genera of the subfamily Chalcidinae, with synonymic notes and descriptions of new species of Leucospidinae and Chalcidinae. Journal of the Linnean Society (Zoology)
| |
| |
New genus
Type species: Smiera dux Walker,
original designation and monotypy
Dalla Torre, K.W. von (1898),
Catalogus Hymenopterorum hucusque descriptorum systematicus et synonymicus. V. Chalcididae et Proctotrupidae.
pp. 598pp
| |
Valid genus
(page 395)
[ Chalcidinae. ]
Delvare, G. (1988),
Some important morphological features of the Chalcidini (Hymenoptera: Chalcididae) and their implications in the classification of the tribe.
Advances in Parasitic Hymenoptera Research: Proceedings of the Second Conference on the Taxonomy and Biology of Parasitic Hymenoptera, Gainsville, November 1987.
pp. 25-64
(Ed: Gupta, V.K.)
E.J. Brill, Leiden, Netherlands
| |
Synonym of
Spilochalcis Thomson
(page 42)
Delvare, G. (1992),
A reclassification of the Chalcidini with a checklist of the New World species.
Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute
pp. 119-441, 443-466
| |
Synonym of
Conura Spinola
(page 192)
Burks, B.D. 1939, A new genus of Chalcidini from central America (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea). Arbeiten über Morphologische u. Taxonomische Entomologie
| |
| |
New genus
Type species: Smicra maculipennis Cameron,
original designation
Delvare, G. (1988),
Some important morphological features of the Chalcidini (Hymenoptera: Chalcididae) and their implications in the classification of the tribe.
Advances in Parasitic Hymenoptera Research: Proceedings of the Second Conference on the Taxonomy and Biology of Parasitic Hymenoptera, Gainsville, November 1987.
pp. 25-64
(Ed: Gupta, V.K.)
E.J. Brill, Leiden, Netherlands
| |
Synonym of
Spilochalcis Thomson
(page 42)
Delvare, G. (1992),
A reclassification of the Chalcidini with a checklist of the New World species.
Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute
pp. 119-441, 443-466
| |
Synonym of
Conura Spinola
(page 193)
Ashmead, W.H. 1904, New generic names in the Chalcidoidea. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington
[ Replacement name for Sayiella Ashmead, 1904 nec Sayella Dall, 1885. ]
| |
| |
Burks, B.D. (1940),
Revision of the chalcid-flies of the tribe Chalcidini in America north of Mexico.
Proceedings of the United States National Museum
pp. 237-354
| |
Synonym of
Ceratosmicra Ashmead
(page 343)
Delvare, G. (1992),
A reclassification of the Chalcidini with a checklist of the New World species.
Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute
pp. 119-441, 443-466
| |
Synonym of
Conura Spinola
(page 193)
Ashmead, W.H. 1904, Classification of the chalcid flies of the superfamily Chalcidoidea, with descriptions of new species in the Carnegie Museum, collected in South America by Herbert H. Smith. Memoirs of the Carnegie Museum
[ Chalcidinae. ]
| |
| |
New genus
Type species: Eustypiura bicolor Ashmead,
original designation
Burks, B.D. (1940),
Revision of the chalcid-flies of the tribe Chalcidini in America north of Mexico.
Proceedings of the United States National Museum
pp. 237-354
| |
Synonym of
Spilochalcis Thomson
(page 263)
Delvare, G. (1992),
A reclassification of the Chalcidini with a checklist of the New World species.
Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute
pp. 119-441, 443-466
| |
Synonym of
Conura Spinola
(page 193)
Narendran, T.C. 1988, A new genus of Chalcididae (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) from the collections of United States National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society
[ Chalcididae, Chalcidinae. ]
| |
| |
New genus
Type species: Grisselliella panamensis Narendran,
original designation and monotypy
Delvare, G. (1992),
A reclassification of the Chalcidini with a checklist of the New World species.
Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute
pp. 119-441, 443-466
| |
Synonym of
Conura Spinola
(page 193)
Ashmead, W.H. 1904, Classification of the chalcid flies of the superfamily Chalcidoidea, with descriptions of new species in the Carnegie Museum, collected in South America by Herbert H. Smith. Memoirs of the Carnegie Museum
| |
| |
New genus
Type species: Smiera obliterans Walker,
original designation
Burks, B.D. (1940),
Revision of the chalcid-flies of the tribe Chalcidini in America north of Mexico.
Proceedings of the United States National Museum
pp. 237-354
| |
Synonym of
Spilochalcis Thomson
(page 263)
Delvare, G. (1992),
A reclassification of the Chalcidini with a checklist of the New World species.
Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute
pp. 119-441, 443-466
| |
Synonym of
Conura Spinola
(page 193)
Ashmead, W.H. 1904, Classification of the chalcid flies of the superfamily Chalcidoidea, with descriptions of new species in the Carnegie Museum, collected in South America by Herbert H. Smith. Memoirs of the Carnegie Museum
[ Chalcidinae. ]
| |
| |
New genus
Type species: Smicra transversa Walker,
original designation
Burks, B.D. (1940),
Revision of the chalcid-flies of the tribe Chalcidini in America north of Mexico.
Proceedings of the United States National Museum
pp. 237-354
| |
Synonym of
Spilochalcis Thomson
(page 263)
Delvare, G. (1992),
A reclassification of the Chalcidini with a checklist of the New World species.
Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute
pp. 119-441, 443-466
| |
Synonym of
Conura Spinola
(page 193)
Ashmead, W.H. 1888, A revised generic table of the Chalcidinae. Entomologica Americana
| |
| |
New genus
Type species: Smicra montana Ashmead,
by subsequent monotypy, Ashmead, W.H. (1904), Classification of the chalcid flies of the superfamily Chalcidoidea, with descriptions of new species in the Carnegie Museum, collected in South America by Herbert H. Smith. Memoirs of the Carnegie Museum
Dalla Torre, K.W. von (1898),
Catalogus Hymenopterorum hucusque descriptorum systematicus et synonymicus. V. Chalcididae et Proctotrupidae.
pp. 598pp
| |
Valid genus
(page 394)
[ Chalcidinae. ]
Ashmead, W.H. (1904),
Classification of the chalcid flies of the superfamily Chalcidoidea, with descriptions of new species in the Carnegie Museum, collected in South America by Herbert H. Smith.
Memoirs of the Carnegie Museum
pp. i-xi,225-551,39pls
| |
Valid genus
(pages 252, 381)
Burks, B.D. (1940),
Revision of the chalcid-flies of the tribe Chalcidini in America north of Mexico.
Proceedings of the United States National Museum
pp. 237-354
| |
Valid genus
(page 260)
Delvare, G. (1988),
Some important morphological features of the Chalcidini (Hymenoptera: Chalcididae) and their implications in the classification of the tribe.
Advances in Parasitic Hymenoptera Research: Proceedings of the Second Conference on the Taxonomy and Biology of Parasitic Hymenoptera, Gainsville, November 1987.
pp. 25-64
(Ed: Gupta, V.K.)
E.J. Brill, Leiden, Netherlands
| |
Synonym of
Spilochalcis Thomson
(page 42)
Delvare, G. (1992),
A reclassification of the Chalcidini with a checklist of the New World species.
Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute
pp. 119-441, 443-466
| |
Synonym of
Conura Spinola
(page 192)
Ashmead, W.H. 1904, Classification of the chalcid flies of the superfamily Chalcidoidea, with descriptions of new species in the Carnegie Museum, collected in South America by Herbert H. Smith. Memoirs of the Carnegie Museum
[ Chalcidinae. ]
| |
| |
New genus
Type species: Mischosmicra kahlii Ashmead,
by monotypy
Burks, B.D. (1940),
Revision of the chalcid-flies of the tribe Chalcidini in America north of Mexico.
Proceedings of the United States National Museum
pp. 237-354
| |
Synonym of
Ceratosmicra Ashmead
(page 343)
Delvare, G. (1992),
A reclassification of the Chalcidini with a checklist of the New World species.
Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute
pp. 119-441, 443-466
| |
Synonym of
Conura Spinola
(page 193)
Blanchard, E.E. 1935, Apuntes sobre calcididos argentinos (Hym. Chalc.). Revista de la Sociedad Entomológica Argentina
| |
| |
New genus
Type species: Mixochalcis sibinecola Blanchard,
original designation
Delvare, G. (1988),
Some important morphological features of the Chalcidini (Hymenoptera: Chalcididae) and their implications in the classification of the tribe.
Advances in Parasitic Hymenoptera Research: Proceedings of the Second Conference on the Taxonomy and Biology of Parasitic Hymenoptera, Gainsville, November 1987.
pp. 25-64
(Ed: Gupta, V.K.)
E.J. Brill, Leiden, Netherlands
| |
Synonym of
Spilochalcis Thomson
(page 42)
Delvare, G. (1992),
A reclassification of the Chalcidini with a checklist of the New World species.
Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute
pp. 119-441, 443-466
| |
Synonym of
Conura Spinola
(page 193)
Ashmead, W.H. 1904, Classification of the chalcid flies of the superfamily Chalcidoidea, with descriptions of new species in the Carnegie Museum, collected in South America by Herbert H. Smith. Memoirs of the Carnegie Museum
[ Chalcidinae. ]
| |
| |
New genus
Type species: Octosmicra laticeps Ashmead,
original designation
Burks, B.D. (1940),
Revision of the chalcid-flies of the tribe Chalcidini in America north of Mexico.
Proceedings of the United States National Museum
pp. 237-354
| |
Synonym of
Spilochalcis Thomson
(page 263)
Delvare, G. (1992),
A reclassification of the Chalcidini with a checklist of the New World species.
Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute
pp. 119-441, 443-466
| |
Synonym of
Conura Spinola
(page 193)
Ashmead, W.H. 1904, Classification of the chalcid flies of the superfamily Chalcidoidea, with descriptions of new species in the Carnegie Museum, collected in South America by Herbert H. Smith. Memoirs of the Carnegie Museum
[ Chalcidinae. ]
| |
| |
New genus
Type species: Pentasmicra brasiliensis Ashmead,
original designation
Burks, B.D. (1940),
Revision of the chalcid-flies of the tribe Chalcidini in America north of Mexico.
Proceedings of the United States National Museum
pp. 237-354
| |
Synonym of
Spilochalcis Thomson
(page 264)
Delvare, G. (1992),
A reclassification of the Chalcidini with a checklist of the New World species.
Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute
pp. 119-441, 443-466
| |
Synonym of
Conura Spinola
(page 193)
Cameron, P. 1904, New Hymenoptera, mostly from Nicaragua. Invertebrata Pacifica
| |
| |
New genus
Type species: Plagiosmicra ashmeadi Cameron,
by monotypy
Schmiedeknecht, O. (1909),
Hymenoptera fam. Chalcididae.
Genera Insectorum
pp. 1-550
(Ed: Wytsman, P.)
| |
Valid genus
(page 31)
[ Chalcidinae. ]
Burks, B.D. (1940),
Revision of the chalcid-flies of the tribe Chalcidini in America north of Mexico.
Proceedings of the United States National Museum
pp. 237-354
| |
Synonym of
Metadontia Ashmead
(page 260)
Delvare, G. (1992),
A reclassification of the Chalcidini with a checklist of the New World species.
Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute
pp. 119-441, 443-466
| |
Synonym of
Conura Spinola
(page 193)
Kirby, W.F. 1883, Remarks on the genera of the subfamily Chalcidinae, with synonymic notes and descriptions of new species of Leucospidinae and Chalcidinae. Journal of the Linnean Society (Zoology)
| |
| |
New genus
Type species: Smicra leucotelus Walker,
original designation
Dalla Torre, K.W. von (1898),
Catalogus Hymenopterorum hucusque descriptorum systematicus et synonymicus. V. Chalcididae et Proctotrupidae.
pp. 598pp
| |
Valid genus
(page 370)
[ Chalcidinae. ]
Delvare, G. (1992),
A reclassification of the Chalcidini with a checklist of the New World species.
Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute
pp. 119-441, 443-466
| |
Synonym of
Conura Spinola
(page 192)
Ashmead, W.H. (1904),
Classification of the chalcid flies of the superfamily Chalcidoidea, with descriptions of new species in the Carnegie Museum, collected in South America by Herbert H. Smith.
Memoirs of the Carnegie Museum
pp. i-xi,225-551,39pls
| |
Misspelling of genus name
Proctoceras Kirby
(page 252)
Blanchard, E.E. 1935, Apuntes sobre calcididos argentinos (Hym. Chalc.). Revista de la Sociedad Entomológica Argentina
| |
| |
New genus
Type species: Psychidosmicra australis Blanchard,
original designation
Delvare, G. (1988),
Some important morphological features of the Chalcidini (Hymenoptera: Chalcididae) and their implications in the classification of the tribe.
Advances in Parasitic Hymenoptera Research: Proceedings of the Second Conference on the Taxonomy and Biology of Parasitic Hymenoptera, Gainsville, November 1987.
pp. 25-64
(Ed: Gupta, V.K.)
E.J. Brill, Leiden, Netherlands
| |
Synonym of
Spilochalcis Thomson
(page 42)
Delvare, G. (1992),
A reclassification of the Chalcidini with a checklist of the New World species.
Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute
pp. 119-441, 443-466
| |
Synonym of
Conura Spinola
(page 193)
Ashmead, W.H. 1904, Classification of the chalcid flies of the superfamily Chalcidoidea, with descriptions of new species in the Carnegie Museum, collected in South America by Herbert H. Smith. Memoirs of the Carnegie Museum
[ Chalcidinae. ]
| |
| |
New genus
Type species: Chalcis debilis Say,
original designation and monotypy
Ashmead, W.H. (1904),
New generic names in the Chalcidoidea.
Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington
pp. 126
| |
Junior primary homonym of
Sayella Dall, 1885
(page 126)
Burks, B.D. (1940),
Revision of the chalcid-flies of the tribe Chalcidini in America north of Mexico.
Proceedings of the United States National Museum
pp. 237-354
| |
Synonym of
Ceratosmicra Ashmead
(page 323)
Delvare, G. (1992),
A reclassification of the Chalcidini with a checklist of the New World species.
Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute
pp. 119-441, 443-466
| |
Synonym of
Conura Spinola
(page 193)
Thomson, C.G. 1876, Skandinaviens Hymenoptera
| |
| |
New genus
Type species: Chalcis xanthostigma Dalman,
by monotypy
Dalla Torre, K.W. von (1898),
Catalogus Hymenopterorum hucusque descriptorum systematicus et synonymicus. V. Chalcididae et Proctotrupidae.
pp. 598pp
| |
Valid genus
(page 384)
[ Chalcidinae. ]
Ashmead, W.H. (1904),
Classification of the chalcid flies of the superfamily Chalcidoidea, with descriptions of new species in the Carnegie Museum, collected in South America by Herbert H. Smith.
Memoirs of the Carnegie Museum
pp. i-xi,225-551,39pls
| |
Valid genus
(page 251)
[ Chalcidinae. ]
Burks, B.D. (1940),
Revision of the chalcid-flies of the tribe Chalcidini in America north of Mexico.
Proceedings of the United States National Museum
pp. 237-354
| |
Valid genus
(page 263)
Delvare, G. (1992),
A reclassification of the Chalcidini with a checklist of the New World species.
Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute
pp. 119-441, 443-466
| |
Synonym of
Conura Spinola
(page 192)
Cameron, P. (1909),
A contribution to the knowledge of the parasitic Hymenoptera of Argentina.
Transactions of the American Entomological Society
pp. 419-450
| |
Lapsus for
Spilochalcis Thomson
(pages 419-450)
Nikol'skaya, M.N. (1960),
Hymenoptera 7, 5. Chalcids of fam. Chalcididae and Leucospidae.
Fauna SSSR (n.s.)
No 76
pp. 221pp.
| |
Synonym of
Spilochalcis Thomson
(page 63)
Ashmead, W.H. 1904, Classification of the chalcid flies of the superfamily Chalcidoidea, with descriptions of new species in the Carnegie Museum, collected in South America by Herbert H. Smith. Memoirs of the Carnegie Museum
[ Chalcidinae. ]
| |
| |
New genus
Type species: Smiera concitata Walker,
original designation
Burks, B.D. (1940),
Revision of the chalcid-flies of the tribe Chalcidini in America north of Mexico.
Proceedings of the United States National Museum
pp. 237-354
| |
Synonym of
Spilochalcis Thomson
(page 264)
Delvare, G. (1992),
A reclassification of the Chalcidini with a checklist of the New World species.
Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute
pp. 119-441, 443-466
| |
Synonym of
Conura Spinola
(page 193)
Kirby, W.F. 1883, Remarks on the genera of the subfamily Chalcidinae, with synonymic notes and descriptions of new species of Leucospidinae and Chalcidinae. Journal of the Linnean Society (Zoology)
| |
| |
New genus
Type species: Smicra decora Walker,
original designation
Dalla Torre, K.W. von (1898),
Catalogus Hymenopterorum hucusque descriptorum systematicus et synonymicus. V. Chalcididae et Proctotrupidae.
pp. 598pp
| |
Valid genus
(page 403)
[ Chalcidinae. ]
Delvare, G. (1988),
Some important morphological features of the Chalcidini (Hymenoptera: Chalcididae) and their implications in the classification of the tribe.
Advances in Parasitic Hymenoptera Research: Proceedings of the Second Conference on the Taxonomy and Biology of Parasitic Hymenoptera, Gainsville, November 1987.
pp. 25-64
(Ed: Gupta, V.K.)
E.J. Brill, Leiden, Netherlands
| |
Synonym of
Spilochalcis Thomson
(page 42)
Delvare, G. (1992),
A reclassification of the Chalcidini with a checklist of the New World species.
Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute
pp. 119-441, 443-466
| |
Synonym of
Conura Spinola
(page 192)
Schulz, W.A. 1906, Spolia Hymenopterologica
[ Unjustified emendation of Thaumapus Kirby. ]
| |
| |
Unjustified emendation
Ashmead, W.H. 1904, Classification of the chalcid flies of the superfamily Chalcidoidea, with descriptions of new species in the Carnegie Museum, collected in South America by Herbert H. Smith. Memoirs of the Carnegie Museum
| |
| |
New genus
Type species: Smiera contacta Walker,
original designation and monotypy
Schmiedeknecht, O. (1909),
Hymenoptera fam. Chalcididae.
Genera Insectorum
pp. 1-550
(Ed: Wytsman, P.)
| |
Type species transferred to
Spilochalcis Thomson
(page 38)
Burks, B.D. (1940),
Revision of the chalcid-flies of the tribe Chalcidini in America north of Mexico.
Proceedings of the United States National Museum
pp. 237-354
| |
Synonym of
Spilochalcis Thomson
(page 264)
Delvare, G. (1992),
A reclassification of the Chalcidini with a checklist of the New World species.
Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute
pp. 119-441, 443-466
| |
Synonym of
Conura Spinola
(page 193)
Ashmead, W.H. 1904, Classification of the chalcid flies of the superfamily Chalcidoidea, with descriptions of new species in the Carnegie Museum, collected in South America by Herbert H. Smith. Memoirs of the Carnegie Museum
[ Chalcidinae. ]
| |
| |
New genus
Type species: Chalcis dimidiata Fabricius,
original designation and monotypy
Delvare, G. (1988),
Some important morphological features of the Chalcidini (Hymenoptera: Chalcididae) and their implications in the classification of the tribe.
Advances in Parasitic Hymenoptera Research: Proceedings of the Second Conference on the Taxonomy and Biology of Parasitic Hymenoptera, Gainsville, November 1987.
pp. 25-64
(Ed: Gupta, V.K.)
E.J. Brill, Leiden, Netherlands
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Synonym of
Spilochalcis Thomson
(page 42)
Delvare, G. (1992),
A reclassification of the Chalcidini with a checklist of the New World species.
Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute
pp. 119-441, 443-466
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Synonym of
Conura Spinola
(page 192)