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Universal Chalcidoidea Database

Synonymic list

Diaspiniphagus moeris Walker, 1839

[ Aphelinidae : Coccophaginae ]
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Aphelinus moeris Walker
Walker, F. 1839, Monographia Chalciditum 1:5 London     view Walker, F.  (1839) in PDF format
New species, Lectotype , BMNH, United Kingdom, designated by Graham, M.W.R. de V. (1976), The British species of Aphelinus with notes and descriptions of other European Aphelinidae (Hymenoptera). Systematic Entomology 1(2):136
Coccophagoides moeris (Walker)
Graham, M.W.R. de V. (1976), The British species of Aphelinus with notes and descriptions of other European Aphelinidae (Hymenoptera). Systematic Entomology 1(2) pp. 123-146    
New combination for Aphelinus moeris Walker (page 136)
Coccophagoides parvipennis Ferriere
Ferrière, C. 1955, Un aphélinide brachyptère. Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen Entomologischen Gesellschaft 28(1):137    
New species, figs., Lectotype , France, designated by Graham, M.W.R. de V. (1976), The British species of Aphelinus with notes and descriptions of other European Aphelinidae (Hymenoptera). Systematic Entomology 1(2):136-137
Graham, M.W.R. de V. (1976), The British species of Aphelinus with notes and descriptions of other European Aphelinidae (Hymenoptera). Systematic Entomology 1(2) pp. 123-146    
Synonym of Coccophagoides moeris (Walker) (pages 136-137)
Coccophagoides similes (Masi)
Japoshvili, G.; Karaca, I. (2002), Coccid (Homoptera: Coccoidea) species of Isparta Province, and their parasitoids from Turkey and Georgia. Turkish Journal of Zoology 26(4) pp. 371-376     view   () in PDF format
Misspelling of species group name Coccophagoides similis (Masi) (pages 373,374)
Coccophagoides similies (Masi)
Abd-Rabou, S. (2002), Revision of Aphelinidae (Hymenoptera) from Egypt. Second International Conference of Plant Protection Research Institute, Dokki, Giza, Egypt 1 pp. 268-296     view   () in PDF format
Misspelling of species group name Coccophagoides similis (Masi) (page 279)
Coccophagoides similis (Masi)
Compere, H. (1936), Notes on the classification of the Aphelinidae with descriptions of new species. University of California Publications in Entomology 6(12) pp. 277-322     view   () in PDF format
New combination for Prospalta similis Masi (pages 292-293)
Abd-Rabou, S. (2000), Newly recorded aphelinids and encyrtids in Egypt. Egyptian Journal of Agricultural Research 78(5) pp. 1915-1924    
Misspelling of species group name Coccophagoides similis (Masi) (pages 1915-1923)
Coccophagus moeris (Walker)
Mercet, R.G. (1912), Los enemigos de los parasitos de las plantas. Los Afelininós. Trabajos Museo National de Ciencas Naturales, Madrid 10(Ser.Zool. 6) pp. 306pp     view   () in PDF format
New combination for Aphelinus moeris Walker (page 249)
Diaspiniphagus moeris (Walker)
Yasnosh, V.A. (1987), Diaspiniphagus Silvestri - a distinct genus of the parasitic wasps of the family Aphelinidae (Hymenoptera). Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie 66(2) pp. 389-392    
New combination for Aphelinus moeris Walker (pages 390-391)
Diaspiniphagus similis (Masi)
Silvestri, F. (1927), Studi sugli Aphelininae (Hymenoptera: Chalcididae). Bollettino del Laboratorio di Zoologia Generale e Agraria della R. Scuola Superiore d'Agricoltura, Portici 20 pp. 35-41     view   () in PDF format
New combination for Prospalta similis Masi (page 35)
Prospalta similis Masi
Masi, L. 1908, Contribuzioni alla conoscenza dei Calcididi Italiani. Bollettino del Laboratorio di Zoologia Generale e Agraria della R. Scuola Superiore d'Agricoltura, Portici 3:148     view Masi, L.  (1908) in PDF format
New species , Italy
Graham, M.W.R. de V. (1976), The British species of Aphelinus with notes and descriptions of other European Aphelinidae (Hymenoptera). Systematic Entomology 1(2) pp. 123-146    
Synonym of Coccophagoides moeris (Walker) (pages 136-137)
Prospaltella ilicis Mercet
Mercet, R.G. 1921, Notas sobre Afelininos (Hym. Chalc.). R. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. Madrid (Spec. Vol.) pp.304     view Mercet, R.G.  (1921) in PDF format
New species, figs., MNCN, Spain
Mercet, R.G. (1930), Los aphelínidos de España. Revista de Biologia Forestal y Limnologia (B) 2(2) pp. 29-106     view Mercet, R.G.  (1921) in PDF format
Synonym of Coccophagoides similis (Masi) (page 81)
Ferrière, C. (1965), Hymenoptera Aphelinidae d'Europe et du Bassin Mediterranéen. Faune de l'Europe et du Bassin Méditerranéen 1 pp. 206pp Masson et Cie, Paris    
Synonym of Coccophagoides similis (Masi) (page 143)
Prospaltella silwoodensis Alam
Alam, S.M. 1956, The taxonomy of some British aphelinid parasites (Hymenoptera) of scale insects (Coccoidea). Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London 108(8):367    
New species, BMNH, United Kingdom-England
Ferrière, C. (1965), Hymenoptera Aphelinidae d'Europe et du Bassin Mediterranéen. Faune de l'Europe et du Bassin Méditerranéen 1 pp. 206pp Masson et Cie, Paris    
Synonym of Coccophagoides similis (Masi) (page 143)
Graham, M.W.R. de V. (1976), The British species of Aphelinus with notes and descriptions of other European Aphelinidae (Hymenoptera). Systematic Entomology 1(2) pp. 123-146    
Synonym of Coccophagoides moeris (Walker) (pages 136-137)
Pteroptrix janias Walker
Walker, F. 1839, Monographia Chalciditum 1:17 London     view Walker, F.  (1839) in PDF format
New species, Lectotype , BMNH, United Kingdom, designated by Graham, M.W.R. de V. (1976), The British species of Aphelinus with notes and descriptions of other European Aphelinidae (Hymenoptera). Systematic Entomology 1(2):136-137
Graham, M.W.R. de V. (1976), The British species of Aphelinus with notes and descriptions of other European Aphelinidae (Hymenoptera). Systematic Entomology 1(2) pp. 123-146    
Synonym of Coccophagoides moeris (Walker) (pages 136-137)