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Universal Chalcidoidea Database

Synonymic list

Aphytis chrysomphali Mercet, 1912

[ Aphelinidae : Aphelininae ]
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Aphelinus chrysomphali Mercet
Mercet, R.G. 1912, Un parasito dell 'pollroig'. Boletin de la Real Sociedad Española de Historia Natural 12:135     view Mercet, R.G.  (1912) in PDF format
New species, MNCN, Spain
Silvestri, F. (1929), Preliminary report on the citrus scale-insects of China. Transactions, IV International Congress of Entomology, Ithaca, New York 2 pp. 897-904     view Mercet, R.G.  (1912) in PDF format
Valid species (page 901)
Aphelinus quaylei Rust
Rust, E.W. 1915, Three new species of Aphelinus. Entomological News 26(2):75     view Rust, E.W.  (1915) in PDF format
New species, Holotype , USNM, Peru
Mercet, R.G. (1927), Calcididos africanos y de la isla de Madera. Eos. Revista Española di Entomologia. Madrid. 3 pp. 489-499     view Rust, E.W.  (1915) in PDF format
Synonym of Aphytis chrysomphali (Mercet) (page 489)
Aphytis chrysomphali (Mercet)
Timberlake, P.H. (1926), New species of Hawaiian chalcid flies (Hymenoptera). Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society 6 pp. 305-320, Plate X     view   () in PDF format
New combination for Aphelinus chrysomphali Mercet (page 315)
Mercet, R.G. (1927), Calcididos africanos y de la isla de Madera. Eos. Revista Española di Entomologia. Madrid. 3 pp. 489-499     view   () in PDF format
Valid species (page 489)
Viggiani, G. (1981), Gli imenotteri afelinidi e la lotta biologica. Atti della Accademia Nazionale Italiani di Entomologia 28-29 pp. 3-33    
Valid species (page 4)
Liao, D.X.; Li, X.L.; Pang. X.F.; Chen, T.L. (1987), Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea (1). Economic Insect Fauna of China No 34 pp. x+241pp    
Valid species (pages 131-133)
[ Fig78,79,XII-100 ]
Viggiani, G. (1994), 18. The Aphytis fauna of the West Palaearctic region, with notes on their role in biological control. Advances in the Study of Aphytis pp. 335-347 (Ed: Rosen, D.) Intercept Ltd., Andover, Hampshire    
Valid species (page 344)
Aphytis chrysomphali mazandaranica Kiriukhin
Kiriukhin, G. 1946, Les parasites du Chrysomphalus dictyospermi Morg. au Nord de l'Iran. Entomologie et Phytopathologie Appliquées 2:4    
Variety, figs. , Iran
Aphytis quaylei (Rust)
Herting, B. (1972), Homoptera. A catalogue of parasites and predators of terrestrial arthropods. Section A. Host or Prey/Enemy. 2:175
(Earliest use of name recorded in this database)
Aphytis silvestrii (De Gregorio)
Thompson, W.R. (1953), A catalogue of the parasites and predators of insect pests. Section 2. Host parasite catalogue. Part 2. Hosts of the Hymenoptera (Agaonidae to Braconidae). pp.7
(Earliest use of name recorded in this database)
Aphytis (Prospaphelinus) chrysomphali (Mercet)
Mercet, R.G. (1932), Notas sobre Afelínidos (Hym. Chalc.) 6a nota. Eos. Revista Española di Entomologia. Madrid. 8 pp. 353-365     view   () in PDF format
Valid species (page 359)
Prospaphelinus silvestrii De Gregorio
De Gregorio, A. 1914, Nuovo Aphelinus parassita del Chrysomphalus dictyospermi. Nuovi Annali di Agricoltura Siciliano 3(4):406 [ Is the page number correct - journal title is OK. ]    
New species , Italy
Mercet, R.G. (1932), Notas sobre Afelínidos (Hym. Chalc.) 6a nota. Eos. Revista Española di Entomologia. Madrid. 8 pp. 353-365     view De Gregorio, A.  (1914) in PDF format
Synonym of Aphytis chrysomphali (Mercet) (page 359)