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Universal Chalcidoidea Database

Synonymic list

Aphelinus humilis Mercet, 1927

[ Aphelinidae : Aphelininae ]
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Aphelinus humilis Mercet
Mercet, R.G. 1927, La fauna afelinina española. Asoc. Esp. Progr. Cienc. Cádiz, Sección IV (Ciencas Nat.) pp.240     view Mercet, R.G.  (1927) in PDF format
New species , Spain
Aphelinus (Aphelinus) humilis Mercet
Chervonenko, O.V. (1997), New and rare species of the genus Aphelinus (Hymenoptera, Aphelinidae) from eastern Europe. Zoologicheskiy Zhurnal 76(6) pp. 695-702    
Compared with Aphelinus fuscus Chervonenko (page 697)