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Universal Chalcidoidea Database

Species in genus Metaphycus

Records 1 - 100 of 476
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Metaphycus acanthococci Myartseva, 1984
Metaphycus acapulcus Myartseva and Ruiz, 2003
Metaphycus aegle Noyes, 2004
Metaphycus aethiopicus Compere, 1940
Metaphycus africanus Compere, 1940
Metaphycus agarwali Hayat and Subba Rao, 1981
Metaphycus agrestis Annecke and Mynhardt, 1972
Metaphycus agylla Noyes, 2004
Metaphycus ajax Noyes, 2004
Metaphycus alami Tachikawa, 1968
Metaphycus alberti (Howard, 1898)
Metaphycus albidus Hayat, 2014
Metaphycus albiventris Compere, 1940
Metaphycus alboclavatus Compere, 1939
Metaphycus albopleuralis (Ashmead, 1904)
Metaphycus aleyrodis (Myartseva and Ruiz, 2002)
Metaphycus alienus Wang, 2014
Metaphycus aligherini (Girault, 1932)
Metaphycus almera Noyes, 2004
Metaphycus aloinus Annecke and Mynhardt, 1981
Metaphycus alsis Noyes, 2004
Metaphycus amata Noyes, 2004
Metaphycus ambatomangae (Risbec, 1952)
Metaphycus ambior Noyes, 2004
Metaphycus amblydentis Annecke and Mynhardt, 1981
Metaphycus amiculus Annecke and Mynhardt, 1981
Metaphycus amoenus (Howard, 1897)
Metaphycus angustifrons Compere, 1957
Metaphycus annasor Guerrieri and Noyes, 2000
Metaphycus anneckei Guerrieri and Noyes, 2000
Metaphycus annulipes (Ashmead, 1882)
Metaphycus aquilus Annecke and Mynhardt, 1981
Metaphycus aretus Wang, Zheng and Zhang, 2012
Metaphycus argenteus (Girault, 1936)
Metaphycus argyrocomus (Compere, 1947)
Metaphycus armitagei (Compere, 1926)
Metaphycus artinix Guerrieri and Noyes, 2000
Metaphycus asparagi Annecke and Mynhardt, 1981
Metaphycus aspidiotinorum Compere, 1940
Metaphycus asterolecanii (Mercet, 1923)
Metaphycus ater (Mercet, 1925)
Metaphycus atriphragma (Girault, 1936)
Metaphycus babajani Sugonjaev, 1976
Metaphycus babas Guerrieri and Noyes, 2000
Metaphycus baruensis Noyes, 1988
Metaphycus bazarovi Sharipov, 1979
Metaphycus bellae Trjapitzin   (unavailable name in current taxon)
Metaphycus beshearae (Gordh and Trjapitzin, 1981)
Metaphycus bias Noyes, 2004
Metaphycus bicinctitibiae (Girault, 1932)
Metaphycus bicolor Annecke and Mynhardt, 1981
Metaphycus bisra Zeya, 2018
Metaphycus blanchardi (De Santis, 1972)
Metaphycus bogdanovikatkovi Myartseva, 1984
Metaphycus bogdanovikatkovi Myartseva, 1984   (unavailable name in current taxon)
Metaphycus bolangerae Hayat, 2003
Metaphycus bostra Noyes, 2004
Metaphycus botanicus (Mercet, 1921)
Metaphycus bouceki Noyes, 2004
Metaphycus bowensis (Girault, 1932)
Metaphycus brachypterus (Mercet, 1926)
Metaphycus brasiliensis Compere and Annecke, 1961
Metaphycus brevielus Kaul and Agarwal, 1986
Metaphycus brochus Annecke and Mynhardt, 1981
Metaphycus buderimi (Girault, 1936)
Metaphycus bulgariensis Sugonjaev, 1976
Metaphycus burrus Annecke and Mynhardt, 1972
Metaphycus californicus (Howard, 1898)
Metaphycus calvus (Compere, 1947)
Metaphycus capensis Annecke and Mynhardt, 1971
Metaphycus carveri Noyes, 2004
Metaphycus cassiae Singh and Hayat, 2005
Metaphycus castaneus (Mercet, 1921)
Metaphycus celticola Myartseva, 2003
Metaphycus cerealis Myartseva and Ruiz Cancino, 2010
Metaphycus cerinus Compere, 1940
Metaphycus cerococci (Shafee, Alam and Agarwal, 1975)
Metaphycus ceroplastis (Howard, 1885)
Metaphycus ceros Noyes, 2004
Metaphycus chermis (Fonscolombe, 1832)
Metaphycus chicle Noyes, 2004
Metaphycus chinensis Wang, Li and Zhang, 2013
Metaphycus chionaspidi (Risbec, 1951)
Metaphycus chortinus Annecke and Mynhardt, 1971
Metaphycus chrysopae Risbec, 1954
Metaphycus cinna Noyes, 2004
Metaphycus cinyras Noyes, 2004
Metaphycus cirta Noyes, 2004
Metaphycus cis Noyes, 2004
Metaphycus citer Annecke and Mynhardt, 1971
Metaphycus citricola Annecke and Mynhardt, 1971
Metaphycus citrinus Compere, 1957
Metaphycus claros Noyes, 2004
Metaphycus clauseni (Timberlake, 1918)
Metaphycus claviger (Timberlake, 1916)
Metaphycus cleanthes Noyes, 2004
Metaphycus cleone Noyes, 2004
Metaphycus clio Noyes, 2004
Metaphycus clymene Noyes, 2004
Metaphycus cockerelli (Howard, 1898)
Records 1 - 100 of 476
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