in in <process:Include> near the end[line 2 -- line 2]
/data/tomcat/webapps/jdsml/root/generic/jdsmlTags/page/MicrositeJS.txt is not a valid page component near the content: [/> <page:MicrositeJS /> </head> <body> <div id="page-container"> <pag][line 8 -- line 8]
/data/tomcat/webapps/jdsml/root/generic/jdsmlTags/page/Header.txt is not a valid page component near the content: [headerStyle="entomology" /> <page:BreadCrumbTrail baseTrail="projects" webTitl][line 14 -- line 14]
/data/tomcat/webapps/jdsml/root/generic/jdsmlTags/page/BreadCrumbTrail.txt is not a valid page component near the content: [dynamicapp="chalcidoids" /> <div id="page-body" class="legacy-css"> <a name="][line 15 -- line 15]
in /data/tomcat/webapps/jdsml/jdsml/research-curation/research/projects/chalcidoids/includes/microsite-head.txt in <process:Include> near the content: [des/microsite-head.txt" /> <div id="microsite-body" class="width680"> <com][line 20 -- line 20]
/data/tomcat/webapps/jdsml/root/generic/jdsmlTags/page/ListHead.txt is not a valid page component near the end[line 1 -- line 1]
/data/tomcat/webapps/jdsml/root/generic/jdsmlTags/page/ListFoot.txt is not a valid page component near the end[line 1 -- line 1]
/data/tomcat/webapps/jdsml/root/generic/jdsmlTags/page/Footer.txt is not a valid page component near the content: [dynamicapp="chalcidoids" /> </div><!-- end page-container --> </body> </html][line 71 -- line 71]