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Universal Chalcidoidea Database
Species in genus Trichomalopsis
Trichomalopsis acarinata Sureshan and Narendran, 2001
Trichomalopsis acuminata (Graham, 1969)
Trichomalopsis albopilosus (Graham, 1969)
Trichomalopsis americana (Gahan, 1933)
Trichomalopsis apanteloctena (Crawford, 1911)
Trichomalopsis arzoneae (Boucek, 1970)
Trichomalopsis australiensis (Girault, 1926)
Trichomalopsis braconis (Dodd, 1917)
Trichomalopsis braconophaga (Cameron, 1912)
Trichomalopsis caesareus (Dalla Torre, 1898)
Trichomalopsis caricicola (Graham, 1969)
Trichomalopsis closterae Kamijo, 1983
Trichomalopsis cognata (Gahan, 1924)
Trichomalopsis cotesiae Yang, 2015
Trichomalopsis deplanata Kamijo and Grissell, 1982
Trichomalopsis dubia (Ashmead, 1896)
Trichomalopsis exigua (Walker, 1834)
Trichomalopsis fucicola (Walker, 1835)
Trichomalopsis genalis (Graham, 1969)
Trichomalopsis germanica (Graham, 1969)
Trichomalopsis hemiptera (Walker, 1835)
Trichomalopsis heterogynidis Graham, 1984
Trichomalopsis iambe (Walker, 1839)
Trichomalopsis lasiocampae (Graham, 1969)
Trichomalopsis laticeps (Graham, 1969)
Trichomalopsis leguminis (Gahan, 1937)
Trichomalopsis littoralis (Graham, 1969)
Trichomalopsis maura (Graham, 1969)
Trichomalopsis microptera (Lindeman, 1887)
Trichomalopsis neelagastra Sureshan and Narendran, 2001
Trichomalopsis nigra Sureshan and Narendran, 2001
Trichomalopsis oryzae Kamijo and Grissell, 1982
Trichomalopsis ovigastra Sureshan and Narendran, 2001
Trichomalopsis palustre (De Santis, 1972)
Trichomalopsis pappi Kamijo, 1983
Trichomalopsis peregrina (Graham, 1969)
Trichomalopsis pompilicola (Graham, 1969)
Trichomalopsis pospelovi (Kurdjumov, 1912)
Trichomalopsis potatoriae (Graham, 1969)
Trichomalopsis punctata (Ratzeburg, 1844)
Trichomalopsis reduvii Dzhanokmen, 1985
Trichomalopsis sarcophagae (Gahan, 1914)
Trichomalopsis scaposa (Graham, 1969)
Trichomalopsis shirakii Crawford, 1913
Trichomalopsis sisyrae Askew, 2010
Trichomalopsis splendens (Erdos, 1957)
Trichomalopsis subapterus (Riley, 1885)
Trichomalopsis submarginata (Thomson, 1878)
Trichomalopsis tachinae (Gahan, 1917)
Trichomalopsis tenuicornis Graham, 1996
Trichomalopsis terginae (Andriescu and Fabritius, 1981)
Trichomalopsis thekkadiensis Sureshan and Narendran, 2001
Trichomalopsis tigasis (Walker, 1839)
Trichomalopsis travancorensis Sureshan and Narendran, 2001
Trichomalopsis uziae Sureshan and Kumar, 2014
Trichomalopsis viridascens (Walsh, 1861)
Trichomalopsis zhaoi Huang, 1988