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Universal Chalcidoidea Database

Species in genus Diglyphus

Records 1 - 42 of 42
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Diglyphus agrophlomicum Kurashev, 1990
Diglyphus albinervis Zhu, LaSalle and Huang, 2000
Diglyphus albiscapus Erdos, 1951
Diglyphus albitibiae Zhu, LaSalle and Huang, 2000
Diglyphus anadolucus Doganlar, 1982
Diglyphus begini (Ashmead, 1904)
Diglyphus bimaculatus Zhu, LaSalle and Huang, 2000
Diglyphus bulbus Ubaidillah and Yefremova, 2001
Diglyphus carlylei (Girault, 1917)
Diglyphus chabrias (Walker, 1838)
Diglyphus clematidis Navone and Hansson, 2017
Diglyphus crassinervis Erdos, 1958
Diglyphus eleanorae Graham, 1981
Diglyphus frontolatus Arifa and Khan, 1992
Diglyphus funicularis Khan, 1985
Diglyphus gibbus Zhu, LaSalle and Huang, 2000
Diglyphus guptai (Subba Rao, 1957)
Diglyphus horticola Khan, 1985
Diglyphus indicus Arifa and Khan, 1992
Diglyphus inflatus Zhu, LaSalle and Huang, 2000
Diglyphus insularis (Gahan, 1914)
Diglyphus intermedius (Girault, 1916)
Diglyphus isaea (Walker, 1838)
Diglyphus kashmiricus Ahmad, Khurseed and Azim, 2013
Diglyphus mandibularis Khan, 1985
Diglyphus metallicus Zhu, LaSalle and Huang, 2000
Diglyphus minoeus (Walker, 1838)
Diglyphus pachyneurus Graham, 1963
Diglyphus pedicellus Gordh and Hendrickson, 1979
Diglyphus phytomyzae (Ruschka, 1912)
Diglyphus poppoea Walker, 1848
Diglyphus propodealis Szelenyi, 1978
Diglyphus pulchripes (Crawford, 1912)
Diglyphus pulchripes (Crawford, 1912)   (unavailable name in current taxon)
Diglyphus pusztensis (Erdos and Novicky, 1951)
Diglyphus sabulosus Erdos, 1951
Diglyphus scapus Yefremova, 2008
Diglyphus sensilis Yefremova, 2011
Diglyphus subplanus (Erdos, 1958)
Diglyphus turcomanica Kurashev, 1990
Diglyphus wani Liu, Zhu and Yefremova   (unavailable name in current taxon)
Diglyphus websteri (Crawford, 1912)
Records 1 - 42 of 42
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