Universal Chalcidoidea Database

Taxonomic tree

Configuration options
Show subfamilies where present
show families in superfamily <Serphitoidea> Serphitoidea
show families in superfamily <Mymarommatoidea> Mymarommatoidea
hide families Chalcidoidea
hide Aphelinidae
hide species Pteroptrix
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix abnormis> abnormis (Prinsloo and Neser)
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix addenda> addenda (Girault)
aegyptica Evans and Abd-Rabou
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix aethiopica> aethiopica (Annecke)
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix albifemur> albifemur (Girault)
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix albocincta> albocincta (Flanders)
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix aprica> aprica (Prinsloo and Neser)
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix arabica> arabica (Ferriere)
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix aspidiotiphagoidea> aspidiotiphagoidea (Girault)
aster Hayat
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix bicolor> bicolor (Howard)
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix biguttata> biguttata (Girault)
bisetae Viggiani and Ren
bouceki Pedata and Garonna
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix calva> calva (Viggiani and Ren Hui)
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix cavana> cavana (Prinsloo and Neser)
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix chinensis> chinensis (Howard)
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix coloba> coloba (Prinsloo and Neser)
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix conifuniculata> conifuniculata (Huang)
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix deserta> deserta (Prinsloo and Neser)
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix dimidiata> dimidiata Westwood
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix dubia> dubia (Girault)
fidalgoi Kim and Triapitsyn
flagellata Huang
gonzalezi Myartseva
heracliti (Girault)
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix howardi> howardi (Dozier)
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix incola> incola (Annecke)
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix japonica> japonica (Huang)
kamatai Japoshvili
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix koebelei> koebelei (Howard)
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix lauri> lauri (Mercet)
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix leptocera> leptocera (Huang)
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix longiclava> longiclava (Girault)
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix longiclavata> longiclavata (Shafee, Siddiqui and Rizvi)
longicornis Huang
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix luzonica> luzonica (Malenotti)
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix machiaveli> machiaveli (Girault)
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix maritima> maritima Nikolskaya
matpada Hayat
maura Masi
mexicana Myartseva
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix nigra> nigra (Girault)
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix nudicella> nudicella (Huang)
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix opaca> opaca Erdos
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix ordinis> ordinis (Prinsloo and Neser)
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix orientalis> orientalis (Silvestri)
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix parvipennis> parvipennis (Gahan)
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix patriciae> patriciae (Prinsloo and Neser)
pedicellata Li and Chen
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix perata> perata (Prinsloo and Neser)
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix perkinsi> perkinsi (Fullaway)
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix plana> plana (Nikolskaya)
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix processa> processa (Huang)
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix prolata> prolata (Prinsloo and Neser)
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix rolaspidis> rolaspidis (Prinsloo and Neser)
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix rupina> rupina (Prinsloo and Neser)
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix serrata> serrata (Annecke)
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix silvestrii> silvestrii (Compere)
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix sinica> sinica Ozdikmen
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix smithi> smithi (Compere)
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix sparsiciliata> sparsiciliata (Huang)
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix stenoptera> stenoptera (Huang)
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix sunae> sunae (Huang)
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix tertia> tertia (Subba Rao)
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix unica> unica (Prinsloo and Neser)
variicolor Huang
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix vasta> vasta (Prinsloo and Neser)
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix wanhsiensis> wanhsiensis (Compere)
zoza Hayat

NB: This list represents valid Chalcidoid taxa. Family- and genus-group synonyms are not included.