Universal Chalcidoidea Database

Taxonomic tree

Configuration options
Show subfamilies where present
show families in superfamily <Serphitoidea> Serphitoidea
show families in superfamily <Mymarommatoidea> Mymarommatoidea
hide families Chalcidoidea
hide Aphelinidae
hide species Pteroptrix
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix abnormis> abnormis (Prinsloo and Neser)
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix addenda> addenda (Girault)
aegyptica Evans and Abd-Rabou
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix aethiopica> aethiopica (Annecke)
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix albifemur> albifemur (Girault)
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix albocincta> albocincta (Flanders)
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix aprica> aprica (Prinsloo and Neser)
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix arabica> arabica (Ferriere)
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix aspidiotiphagoidea> aspidiotiphagoidea (Girault)
aster Hayat
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix bicolor> bicolor (Howard)
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix biguttata> biguttata (Girault)
bisetae Viggiani and Ren
bouceki Pedata and Garonna
hide synonyms calva (Viggiani and Ren Hui)
Archenomus calvus Viggiani and Ren Hui
Pteroptrix calva (Viggiani and Ren Hui)
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix cavana> cavana (Prinsloo and Neser)
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix chinensis> chinensis (Howard)
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix coloba> coloba (Prinsloo and Neser)
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix conifuniculata> conifuniculata (Huang)
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix deserta> deserta (Prinsloo and Neser)
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix dimidiata> dimidiata Westwood
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix dubia> dubia (Girault)
fidalgoi Kim and Triapitsyn
flagellata Huang
gonzalezi Myartseva
heracliti (Girault)
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix howardi> howardi (Dozier)
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix incola> incola (Annecke)
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix japonica> japonica (Huang)
kamatai Japoshvili
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix koebelei> koebelei (Howard)
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix lauri> lauri (Mercet)
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix leptocera> leptocera (Huang)
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix longiclava> longiclava (Girault)
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix longiclavata> longiclavata (Shafee, Siddiqui and Rizvi)
longicornis Huang
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix luzonica> luzonica (Malenotti)
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix machiaveli> machiaveli (Girault)
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix maritima> maritima Nikolskaya
matpada Hayat
maura Masi
mexicana Myartseva
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix nigra> nigra (Girault)
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix nudicella> nudicella (Huang)
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix opaca> opaca Erdos
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix ordinis> ordinis (Prinsloo and Neser)
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix orientalis> orientalis (Silvestri)
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix parvipennis> parvipennis (Gahan)
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix patriciae> patriciae (Prinsloo and Neser)
pedicellata Li and Chen
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix perata> perata (Prinsloo and Neser)
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix perkinsi> perkinsi (Fullaway)
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix plana> plana (Nikolskaya)
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix processa> processa (Huang)
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix prolata> prolata (Prinsloo and Neser)
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix rolaspidis> rolaspidis (Prinsloo and Neser)
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix rupina> rupina (Prinsloo and Neser)
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix serrata> serrata (Annecke)
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix silvestrii> silvestrii (Compere)
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix sinica> sinica Ozdikmen
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix smithi> smithi (Compere)
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix sparsiciliata> sparsiciliata (Huang)
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix stenoptera> stenoptera (Huang)
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix sunae> sunae (Huang)
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix tertia> tertia (Subba Rao)
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix unica> unica (Prinsloo and Neser)
variicolor Huang
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix vasta> vasta (Prinsloo and Neser)
show synonyms of <Pteroptrix wanhsiensis> wanhsiensis (Compere)
zoza Hayat

NB: This list represents valid Chalcidoid taxa. Family- and genus-group synonyms are not included.