Universal Chalcidoidea Database

Taxonomic tree

Configuration options
Show subfamilies where present
show families in superfamily <Serphitoidea> Serphitoidea
show families in superfamily <Mymarommatoidea> Mymarommatoidea
hide families Chalcidoidea
hide genera Mymaridae
hide species Anaphes
show synonyms of <Anaphes alaskae> alaskae Annecke and Doutt
show synonyms of <Anaphes amplipennis> amplipennis Ogloblin
show synonyms of <Anaphes angustipennis> angustipennis (Debauche)
show synonyms of <Anaphes arenbergi> arenbergi Debauche
show synonyms of <Anaphes atomarius> atomarius (Brethes)
show synonyms of <Anaphes australia> australia (Girault)
show synonyms of <Anaphes basalis> basalis Foerster
show synonyms of <Anaphes behmani> behmani Girault
show synonyms of <Anaphes brevicornis> brevicornis (Soyka)
show synonyms of <Anaphes brevis> brevis Walker
show synonyms of <Anaphes calendrae> calendrae (Gahan)
cinctus (Soyka)
show synonyms of <Anaphes collinus> collinus Walker
show synonyms of <Anaphes comosipennis> comosipennis Girault
show synonyms of <Anaphes confertus> confertus (Doutt)
hide synonyms congener Foerster
Anaphes congener Foerster
Mymar congener (Foerster)
show synonyms of <Anaphes conotracheli> conotracheli Girault
show synonyms of <Anaphes cotei> cotei Huber
show synonyms of <Anaphes crassicornis> crassicornis (Walker)
show synonyms of <Anaphes crassipennis> crassipennis Soyka
show synonyms of <Anaphes crassipilis> crassipilis (Soyka)
show synonyms of <Anaphes crassus> crassus (Soyka)
show synonyms of <Anaphes debilipennis> debilipennis (Soyka)
show synonyms of <Anaphes depressus> depressus (Soyka)
show synonyms of <Anaphes diana> diana (Girault)
show synonyms of <Anaphes ensipennis> ensipennis (Soyka)
show synonyms of <Anaphes fijiensis> fijiensis Huber
show synonyms of <Anaphes flavipes> flavipes (Foerster)
show synonyms of <Anaphes fuscipennis> fuscipennis Haliday
show synonyms of <Anaphes galtoni> galtoni (Girault)
show synonyms of <Anaphes gauthieri> gauthieri Debauche
show synonyms of <Anaphes gerrisophaga> gerrisophaga (Doutt)
show synonyms of <Anaphes globosicornis> globosicornis (Soyka)
show synonyms of <Anaphes hercules> hercules Girault
show synonyms of <Anaphes inexpectatus> inexpectatus Huber and Prinsloo
show synonyms of <Anaphes iole> iole Girault
show synonyms of <Anaphes latipennis> latipennis Walker
show synonyms of <Anaphes lineipennis> lineipennis (Soyka)
show synonyms of <Anaphes linnaei> linnaei (Girault)
show synonyms of <Anaphes listronoti> listronoti Huber
show synonyms of <Anaphes longiclava> longiclava (Doutt)
show synonyms of <Anaphes longicornis> longicornis Walker
show synonyms of <Anaphes luna> luna (Girault)
show synonyms of <Anaphes maialis> maialis (Debauche)
show synonyms of <Anaphes maialis> maialis Debauche
show synonyms of <Anaphes medius> medius Soyka
show synonyms of <Anaphes nigrellus> nigrellus Girault
show synonyms of <Anaphes nipponicus> nipponicus Kuwayama
show synonyms of <Anaphes nitens> nitens (Girault)
show synonyms of <Anaphes nunezi> nunezi Ogloblin
show synonyms of <Anaphes ovipositor> ovipositor Soyka
show synonyms of <Anaphes parallelipennis> parallelipennis (Soyka)
show synonyms of <Anaphes parvus> parvus (Foerster)
show synonyms of <Anaphes peyerimhoffi> peyerimhoffi (Kieffer)
show synonyms of <Anaphes pucarobius> pucarobius Ogloblin
pulcher (Soyka)
show synonyms of <Anaphes pullicrurus> pullicrurus (Girault)
show synonyms of <Anaphes quadraticornis> quadraticornis (Soyka)
show synonyms of <Anaphes quinquearticulatus> quinquearticulatus Huber and Triapitsyn
show synonyms of <Anaphes regulus> regulus Walker
show synonyms of <Anaphes saintpierrei> saintpierrei Girault
schellwieniens Meunier
show synonyms of <Anaphes silesicus> silesicus (Soyka)
show synonyms of <Anaphes sinipennis> sinipennis Girault
show synonyms of <Anaphes sordidatus> sordidatus (Girault)
specialis (Soyka)
splendens Meunier
show synonyms of <Anaphes stygius> stygius Debauche
show synonyms of <Anaphes tasmaniae> tasmaniae Huber and Prinsloo
show synonyms of <Anaphes victus> victus Huber
show synonyms of <Anaphes wolfsthali> wolfsthali (Soyka)

NB: This list represents valid Chalcidoid taxa. Family- and genus-group synonyms are not included.