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Universal Chalcidoidea Database

Associates of named chalcidoid

Associates of

Records 81 - 90 of 14996
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Primary hosts
Order: Coleoptera
Family: Apionidae
Apion dichroum
Freeman, B.E. 1967, The biology of the white clover seed weevil Apion dichroum Bedel (Col. Curculionidae). Journal of Applied Ecology 4:535-552    
Parasitoid type: Larval or nymphal
Apion flavofemoratum
Herting, B. 1973, Coleoptera to Strepsiptera. A catalogue of parasites and predators of terrestrial arthropods. Section A. Host or Prey/Enemy. 3:95 Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, Institute of Biological Control [ Parasitoid hyperparasitic? ]    
Apion fuscirostre
Herting, B. 1973, Coleoptera to Strepsiptera. A catalogue of parasites and predators of terrestrial arthropods. Section A. Host or Prey/Enemy. 3:95 Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, Institute of Biological Control    
Apion godmani
Fry, J.M. 1989, Natural enemy databank, 1987. A catalogue of natural enemies of arthropods derived from records in the CIBC Natural Enemy Databank. pp.6 CAB International, Wallingford, Oxford, UK    
Parasitoid type: Primary
Apion godmani
Fry, J.M. 1989, Natural enemy databank, 1987. A catalogue of natural enemies of arthropods derived from records in the CIBC Natural Enemy Databank. pp.6 CAB International, Wallingford, Oxford, UK    
Parasitoid type: Primary
Apion godmani
Fry, J.M. 1989, Natural enemy databank, 1987. A catalogue of natural enemies of arthropods derived from records in the CIBC Natural Enemy Databank. pp.6 CAB International, Wallingford, Oxford, UK    
Parasitoid type: Primary
Apion godmani
Perez, G. 1985, Parasitoid Hymenoptera of Apion spp. (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Apionidae) in Tepoztlan, Morelos, Mexico. Folia Entomológica Mexicana 63:39-46    
Parasitoid type: Facultative hyperparasitoid
Apion godmani
Perez, G. 1985, Parasitoid Hymenoptera of Apion spp. (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Apionidae) in Tepoztlan, Morelos, Mexico. Folia Entomológica Mexicana 63:39-46    
Parasitoid type: Facultative hyperparasitoid
Apion godmani
Perez, G. 1985, Parasitoid Hymenoptera of Apion spp. (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Apionidae) in Tepoztlan, Morelos, Mexico. Folia Entomológica Mexicana 63:39-46    
Apion loti
Herting, B. 1973, Coleoptera to Strepsiptera. A catalogue of parasites and predators of terrestrial arthropods. Section A. Host or Prey/Enemy. 3:96 Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, Institute of Biological Control    
Records 81 - 90 of 14996
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