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Universal Chalcidoidea Database

Associates of named chalcidoid

Associates of Neanastatus

Records 1 - 10 of 14
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Primary hosts
Order: Diptera
Family: Cecidomyiidae
Asphondylia sp.
Chari, M.S.; Patel, H.K. 1974, New records of parasites and superparasites of cluster bean pod gall midge, Asphondylia sp. in India. Indian Journal of Entomology 34(4):35-352    
Orseolia bonzii
Harris, K.M.; Williams, C.T.; Okhidievbie, O.; LaSalle, J.; Polaszek, A. 1999, Description of a new species of Orseolia (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) from Paspalum in West Africa, with notes on its parasitoids, ecology and relevance to natural biological control of the African rice gall midge, O. oryzivora. Bulletin of Entomological Research 89(5):441-448 [ Parasitoid cited as Neanastatus near cinctiventris Girault. ]    
Orseolia oryzae
Das, P.K.; Mathur, K.C.; Natarajan, K. 1987, Natural enemies of rice and gall midges. Indian Journal of Agricultural Science 57(12):915-919    
Joshi, R.C.; Grover, P.; Venugopal, M.S. 1983, The rice gall midge, Orseolia oryzae - a brief review. Cecidologia Internationale 4(1-3):9-22    
Liu, S.K.; Huang, D.P.; Chiu, S.F.; Gu, S.W. 1981, The parasites of the rice gall midge (Orseolia oryzae Wood-Mason) in Kwangtung Province and their susceptibilities to insecticide applications. Acta Entomologica Sinica 24(3):274-282    
Family: Fergusoninidae
Fergusonina sp.
Goolsby, J.A.; Burwell, C.J.; Makinson, J.; Driver, F. 2001, Investigation of the biology of the hymenoptera associated with Fergusonina sp. (Diptera: Fergusoninidae), a gall fly of Melaleuca quinquenervia, integrating molecular techniques. Journal of Hymenoptera Research 10(2):163-180     view Goolsby, J.A.; Burwell, C.J.; Makinson, J.; Driver, F. (2001) in PDF format
Parasitoid type: gall associate
Order: Hymenoptera
Family: Eurytomidae
Eurytoma attiva
Abu-Bakar, M. 1992, Cordia curassavica: successful biological control of a noxious weed in Malaysia. MAPPS Newsletter 16 (2):12-13    
Simmonds, F.J. 1980, Biological control of Cordia curassavica (Boraginaceae) in Malaysia. Entomophaga 25(4):363-364    
Parasitoid hosts
Family: Tanaostigmatidae
Tanaostigmodes cajaninae
Durairaj, C. 2010, Pod wasp, Tanaostigmodes cajaninae La Salle (Hymenoptera: Tanaostigmatidae): an emerging pest of pigeonpea. Karnataka Journal of Agricultural Sciences 23(1):151     view Durairaj, C.  (2010) in PDF format
Plant associates
Order: not specified
Family: Boraginaceae
Cordia curassavica
Abu-Bakar, M. 1992, Cordia curassavica: successful biological control of a noxious weed in Malaysia. MAPPS Newsletter 16 (2):12-13    
Records 1 - 10 of 14
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