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Universal Chalcidoidea Database
Associates of named chalcidoid
Associates of Coccobius flaviventris
Primary hosts |
Order: Hemiptera |
Family: Diaspididae |
Aonidiella aurantii
Hayat, M. 1985, Notes on some species of Coccobius and Prophyscus (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae), with special reference to Girault and Howard types. Oriental Insects
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Chrysomphalus aurantii
Baltazar, C.R. 1966, A catalogue of Philippine Hymenoptera (with a bibliography, 1758-1963). Pacific Insects Monograph
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Associates |
Family: Pseudococcidae |
Antonina graminis
Gordh, G. 1979, Family Encyrtidae. Catalog of Hymenoptera in America North of Mexico
(Eds: Krombein, K.V.; Hurd, P.D. jr; Smith D.R.; Burks, B.D.)
Washington, D.C.
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Hayat, M. 1985, Notes on some species of Coccobius and Prophyscus (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae), with special reference to Girault and Howard types. Oriental Insects
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