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Universal Chalcidoidea Database

Associates of named chalcidoid

Associates of Encarsia tricolor

Records 71 - 80 of 148
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Primary hosts
Order: Hemiptera
Family: Aleyrodidae
Trialeurodes vaporariorum
Fry, J.M. 1989, Natural enemy databank, 1987. A catalogue of natural enemies of arthropods derived from records in the CIBC Natural Enemy Databank. pp.36 CAB International, Wallingford, Oxford, UK    
Parasitoid type: Primary
Hernández-Suárez, E.; Carnero, A.; Aguiar, A.; Prinsloo, G.; LaSalle, J.; Polaszek, A. 2003, Parasitoids of whiteflies (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae, Eulophidae, Platygastridae; Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) from the Macaronesian archipelagos of the Canary Islands, Madeira and the Azores. Systematics and Biodiversity 1(1):84    
Herting, B. 1972, Homoptera. A catalogue of parasites and predators of terrestrial arthropods. Section A. Host or Prey/Enemy. 2:106 Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, Slough, England    
Hunter, M.S.; Godfray, H.C.J. 1995, Ecological determinants of sex allocation in an autoparasitoid wasp. Journal of Animal Ecology 64(1):95-106    
Parasitoid type: Hyperparasitic males
Isart, J. 1977, The greenhouse whitefly. General information, preliminary investigations and possibilities for control. Publ.Obra Soc.Agric.Caja Pensiones para la Vejez y de Ahorros Cataluña Baleares 86:1-23    
Parasitoid type: Larval or nymphal, pupal
Lenteren, J.C. van; Schaal, A.W.J. van der 1981, Temperature thresholds for oviposition of Encarsia formosa, E. tricolor and E. pergandiella in larvae of Trialeurodes vaporariorum. Mededelingen van de Faculteit Landbouwwetenschappen, Rijksuniversiteit Gent 46(2):457-464    
Mazzoni, P. 1976, Notizie preliminari sui parassiti di Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westw.) (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) in Campania. Bollettino del Laboratorio di Entomologia Agraria 'Filippo Silvestri', Portici 33:232-235     view Mazzoni, P.  (1976) in PDF format
Parasitoid type: Hyperparasitic males
Mineo, G.; Iannazzo, M.; Sempreviva, P. 1989, Notizie sui nemici naturali di Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westw.) in Sicilia (Hom. Aleyrodidae). Informatore Fitopatologico 39(6):70-72    
OILB 1971, Liste d'identification des entomophages 8. pp.7 OILB, Genève    
Peric, P.; Dimic, N. 1997, Natural enemies of Trialeurodes vaporariorum Westwood in Yugoslavia. Zastita Bilja, Beograd 48(1):67-71    
Records 71 - 80 of 148
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