Primary hosts |
Order: Diptera |
Family: Agromyzidae |
Phytomyza persicae
Hansson, C. 1987, Revision of the New World species of Chrysocharis Forster (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae). Entomologica Scandinavica (supplement)
(Host identification needs confirmation)
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Phytomyza plumiseta
Hansson, C. 1987, Revision of the New World species of Chrysocharis Forster (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae). Entomologica Scandinavica (supplement)
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Phytomyza subtilis
Hansson, C. 1987, Revision of the New World species of Chrysocharis Forster (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae). Entomologica Scandinavica (supplement)
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Order: Hymenoptera |
Family: Cynipidae |
Cynipidae unspecified
Burks, B.D. 1979, Torymidae (Agaoninae) and all other families of Chalcidoidea (excluding Encyrtidae). (In: Krombein, K.V.; Hurd, P.D. jr.; Smith, D.R.; Burks, B.D., Editors.) Catalog of Hymenoptera in America North of Mexico
Smithsonian Institute Press, Washington, D.C.
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Parasitoid type: gall associate
Plant associates |
Order: not specified |
Family: Apiaceae |
Apium graveolens
Christie, G.D.; Parrella, M.P. 1987, Biological studies with Chrysocharis parksi (Hymenoptera Eulophidae) a parasite of Liriomyza spp. (Diptera Agromyzidae). Entomophaga
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Petroselinum crispum
Christie, G.D.; Parrella, M.P. 1987, Biological studies with Chrysocharis parksi (Hymenoptera Eulophidae) a parasite of Liriomyza spp. (Diptera Agromyzidae). Entomophaga
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Family: Asteraceae |
Aster sp.
Christie, G.D.; Parrella, M.P. 1987, Biological studies with Chrysocharis parksi (Hymenoptera Eulophidae) a parasite of Liriomyza spp. (Diptera Agromyzidae). Entomophaga
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Calendula officinalis
Christie, G.D.; Parrella, M.P. 1987, Biological studies with Chrysocharis parksi (Hymenoptera Eulophidae) a parasite of Liriomyza spp. (Diptera Agromyzidae). Entomophaga
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Chrysanthemum sp.
Parrella, M.P.; Jones, V.P.; Christie, G.D. 1987, Feasibility of parasites for biological control of Liriomyza trifolii (Diptera: Agromyzidae) on commercially grown Chrysanthemum. Environmental Entomology
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Chrysanthemum fructescens
Christie, G.D.; Parrella, M.P. 1987, Biological studies with Chrysocharis parksi (Hymenoptera Eulophidae) a parasite of Liriomyza spp. (Diptera Agromyzidae). Entomophaga
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