Universal Chalcidoidea Database

Associates of named chalcidoid

Associates of Bruchophagus

Records 11 - 20 of 32
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Plant hosts
Family: Fabaceae
Acacia sp.
Southgate, B.J. 1983, Handbook on seed insects of Acacia species pp.1-30 FAO, Rome [ Review of Acacia seed-feeding species of parasitoid. ]    
Parasitoid type: Phytophagous (seeds)
Acacia longifolia
Kluge, R.L. 1990, The seed-attacking wasp Bruchophagus sp. (Hymenoptera: Eurytomidae) and its potential for biological control of Acacia longifolia in South Africa. Proceedings of the VIII International Symposium on Biological Control of Weeds pp.349-356 Instituto Sperimentale per la Pataologia Vegetale, Ministero dell'Agricoltura e delle Foreste, Rome (ISBN 0-643-05100-7)    
Parasitoid type: Phytophagous (seeds)
Albizia lebbeck
Pankajam, S.; Sunitha, B.; Muurugesan, S.; Durairaj, S. 1998, First record of seed chalcid, Bruchophagus sp., (Hymenoptera: Eurytomidae) as a pest of Albizia lebbek. Indian Forester 124(8):667-668    
Parasitoid type: Phytophagous (seeds)
Alhagi graecorum
Abdul-Rassoul, M.S.; Dawah, H.A.; Othman, N.Y. 1988, Camel thorn seed insects and their presence on leguminous plants in Iraq. Journal of Biological Science Research 19(supplement):853-862 [ Parasitoid cited as Bruchophagus near mutabilis. ]    
Parasitoid type: Phytophagous (seeds)
Astragalus nutallianus
Fowler, H.G.; Whitford, W.G. 1983, Pre-dispersal seed feeding insects of a desert legume, Astragalus nuttallianus. Southwestern Naturalist 28(4):466-469    
Parasitoid type: Phytophagous (seeds)
Onobrychis viciifolia
Morrill, W.L.; Ditterline, R.L.; Cash, S.D. 1998, Insect pests and associated root pathogens of sainfoin in western USA. Field Crops Research 59(2):129-134    
Parasitoid type: Phytophagous (seeds)
Family: Fagaceae
Quercus prinus
Washburn, J.O.; Cornell, H.V. 1979, Chalcid parasitoid attack on a gall wasp population (Acraspis hirta (Hym.: Cynipidae)) on Quercus prinus (Fagaceae). Canadian Entomologist 111(4):396    
Parasitoid type: gall associate
Family: Tamaricaceae
Tamarix sp.
Habib, R. 1983, The bionomics of Psectrosema spp. (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) reared from galls on Tamarix spp. in Pakistan. Bulletin of Entomological Research 73(3):459-461    
Parasitoid type: Phytophagous (inquiline)
Parasitoid hosts
Order: Hymenoptera
Family: Eurytomidae
Eudecatoma sp.
Washburn, J.O.; Cornell, H.V. 1979, Chalcid parasitoid attack on a gall wasp population (Acraspis hirta (Hym.: Cynipidae)) on Quercus prinus (Fagaceae). Canadian Entomologist 111(4):396    
Parasitoid type: Hyperparasitoid
Family: Ormyridae
Ormyrus brunneipes
Washburn, J.O.; Cornell, H.V. 1979, Chalcid parasitoid attack on a gall wasp population (Acraspis hirta (Hym.: Cynipidae)) on Quercus prinus (Fagaceae). Canadian Entomologist 111(4):396    
Parasitoid type: Hyperparasitoid
Records 11 - 20 of 32
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