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Universal Chalcidoidea Database

Taxon record

Trichogramma minutum Riley, 1871

[ Trichogrammatidae : Trichogrammatinae : Trichogrammatini ]
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Aprobosca odontotae (Howard, 1885)
Pentarthron minutum (Riley, 1871)
Pentarthrum minutum (Riley, 1871)
Trichogramma evanescens minutum Riley, 1871
Trichogramma helocharae Perkins, 1907
Trichogramma intermedium Howard, 1889
Trichogramma minuta Riley, 1871
Trichogramma minutissimum Packard, 1881
Trichogramma minutum Riley, 1871
Trichogramma nagarkattiae Voegele and Pintureau, 1871
Trichogramma nagarkattii Voegele and Pintureau, 1982
Trichogramma (Aprobosca) odontotae Howard, 1885
Trichogramma (Trichogramma) minutum Riley, 1871
Trichogramma (Trichogramma) nagarkattii Voegele and Pintureau, 1982
Xanthoatomus albipes Ashmead, 1904