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Universal Chalcidoidea Database

Taxon record

Mesopolobus Westwood, 1833

[ Pteromalidae : Pteromalinae ]
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Ahlbergiella Rosen, 1955
Amblymerus Walker, 1834
Anogmoidea Girault, 1924
Asemantus Foerster, 1878
Baeoponerus Masi, 1924
Caenocrepis (Xenocrepis) Foerster, 1856
Disema Foerster, 1878
Disemisca Ghesquiere, 1946
Euamblymerus Hincks, 1944
Eutelus Walker, 1834
Isoptrynea Szelenyi, 1982
Mesoplobus Westwood
Mesopolobus Westwood, 1833
Mesopolobus (Amblymerus) Walker, 1834
Mesopolobus (Eutelus) Walker, 1834
Mesopolobus (Platymesopus) Westwood, 1833
Paranogmus Girault and Dodd, 1915
Platymesopus Westwood, 1833
Platyterma Walker, 1834
Platytermus Thomson, 1878
Pteromalodes Dahlbom, 1857
Selitrichus Rondani, 1877
Sturovia Boucek, 1961
Syntomocera Foerster, 1878
Syntomocerella Ghesquiere, 1946
Urielloides Girault, 1913
Xenocrepis Foerster, 1856
Zacalochlora Crawford, 1913