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Universal Chalcidoidea Database

Taxon record

Eupelmus Dalman, 1820

[ Eupelmidae : Eupelminae ]
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Bruchocida Crawford, 1913
Charitopella Crosby, 1909
Charitopodinus Bridwell, 1918
Cocceupelmus Kalina, 1984
Episolindelia Girault, 1914
Eupelmella Masi, 1919
Eupelmus Dalman, 1820
Eupelmus (Episolindelia) Girault, 1914
Eupelmus (Eupelmus) Dalman, 1820
Eupelmus (Macroneura) Walker, 1837
Fanamokala Risbec, 1960
Holceupelmus Cameron, 1905
Lepideupelmus Timberlake, 1926
Lindesonius Brethes, 1916
Macroneura Walker, 1837
Macroneura (Euronmacra) Kalina, 1981
Macronevra Blanchard, 1840
Neosolindenia Gourlay, 1928
Rafa Brethes, 1916