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Universal Chalcidoidea Database

Taxon record

Entedon Dalman, 1820

[ Eulophidae : Entedoninae ]
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Acanthentedon Dodd, 1917
Entedon Dalman, 1820
Entedon (Cederholmia) Gumovsky, 1997
Entedon (Chlorentedon) Erdos, 1944
Entedon (Dolichentedon) Dalman, 1944
Entedon (Megalentedon) Dalman, 1944
Entedon (Nephelentedon) Dalman, 1944
Entedon (Trochentedon) Dalman, 1944
Entedonella Girault, 1913
Eriglyptus Crawford, 1907
Metacrias Girault, 1913
Metacriasinus Ghesquiere, 1946
Metriocharis Silvestri, 1914
Pelorotelopsella Girault, 1913
Pleuropachus Westwood, 1837
Pleuropachys Foerster, 1856
Tranocera Curtis, 1829
Uracrias Girault, 1913