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Universal Chalcidoidea Database

Taxon record

Elachertus Spinola, 1811

[ Eulophidae : Eulophinae ]
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Ardaloides Girault, 1915
Ardalus Howard, 1897
Cirrospiloideus Ashmead, 1904
Diglyphomorphella Girault, 1913
Elachertus Spinola, 1811
Elachertus (Elachertus) Spinola, 1811
Elachestus Spinola
Elachistus Foerster, 1856
Epardalus Girault, 1917
Euplectromorphella Girault, 1915
Guptaiella Khan and Sushil, 1998
Parentedon Girault, 1913
Peteenus Erdos, 1961
Proardalus Girault and Dodd, 1915
Pseudelacherteus Girault, 1913
Sympiesomorphelleus Girault, 1913