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Universal Chalcidoidea Database

Distribution references

Torymus canariensis Hedqvist, 1977 has been recorded in the following countries:

Records 1 - 9 of 9
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Zavada, A. 2003, Definition of subgenera and a reassessment of species groups of Torymus Dalman (Hymenoptera: Torymidae), based on Palaearctic material. Phegea 31(3):115    
Canary Islands:
Askew, R.R.; Blasco-Zumeta, J.; Pujade-Villar, J. 2001, Chalcidoidea and Mymarommatoidea (Hymenoptera) of a Juniperus thurifera L. forest of Los Monegros region, Zaragosa. Monografias Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa 4:14    
Forshage, M.; Broad, G.R.; Dale-Skey Papilloud, N.; Vårdal, H. 2016, Insects species described by Karl-Johan Hedqvist. Journal of Hymenoptera Research 51:147     view Forshage, M.; Broad, G.R.; Dale-Skey Papilloud, N.; Vårdal, H. (2016) in PDF format
Hedqvist, K.J. 1977, Two new reared species of Torymidae and Eulophidae from Tenerife, Canary Islands (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea). Entomologica Scandinavica 8(3):235-236 (Parasitoid identification correct)    
Askew, R.R.; Blasco-Zumeta, J.; Pujade-Villar, J. 2001, Chalcidoidea and Mymarommatoidea (Hymenoptera) of a Juniperus thurifera L. forest of Los Monegros region, Zaragosa. Monografias Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa 4:14    
Graham, M.W.R. de V.; Gijswijt, M.J. 1998, Revision of the European species of Torymus Dalman (s. lat.) (Hymenoptera: Torymidae). Zoologische Verhandelingen, Leiden No 317:69    
Ribes, A. 2014, Two new species of Baryscapus Förster from Spain (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Eulophidae). Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa No 54:59    
Zavada, A. 2003, Definition of subgenera and a reassessment of species groups of Torymus Dalman (Hymenoptera: Torymidae), based on Palaearctic material. Phegea 31(3):115    
Zavada, A. 2003, Definition of subgenera and a reassessment of species groups of Torymus Dalman (Hymenoptera: Torymidae), based on Palaearctic material. Phegea 31(3):115