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Universal Chalcidoidea Database

Distribution references

Chrysocharis pubicornis Zetterstedt, 1838 has been recorded in the following countries:

Records 51 - 100 of 197
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Hansson, C. 1985, Taxonomy and biology of the Palaearctic species of Chrysocharis Forster, 1856 (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae). Entomologica Scandinavica (supplement) 26:51    
Herting, B. 1978, Neuroptera, Diptera, Siphonaptera. A catalogue of parasites and predators of terrestrial arthropods. Section A. Host or Prey/Enemy. 5:91 Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, Commonwealth Institute of Biological Control    
Yefremova, Z.A.; Civelek, H.S.; Boyadzhiev, P.S.; Dursun, O.; Eskin, A. 2010, Contributions to the Turkish Eulophidae (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea) with new records. Türkiye Entomoloji Dergisi 34(4):454    
Boucek, Z.; Askew, R.R. 1968, Hym. Chalcidoidea. Palearctic Eulophidae (excl. Tetrastichinae). Index of Entomophagous Insects 3:116 (Eds: Delucchi, V.; Remaudière, G.) Le François, Paris    
Graham, M.W.R. de V. 1995, Stictomischus phytomyzae Ghesquière, 1949 belongs to the genus Miscogaster Walker (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae). Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 131:269    
Hansson, C. 1985, Taxonomy and biology of the Palaearctic species of Chrysocharis Forster, 1856 (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae). Entomologica Scandinavica (supplement) 26:51    
Yefremova, Z.A.; Civelek, H.S.; Boyadzhiev, P.S.; Dursun, O.; Eskin, A. 2010, Contributions to the Turkish Eulophidae (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea) with new records. Türkiye Entomoloji Dergisi 34(4):454    
United Kingdom:
Askew, R.R. 1967, A report of the eulophid (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) fauna of two Scottish birch woods. Journal of Natural History 1(4):571-573    
Askew, R.R. 1968, A survey of leaf-miners and their parasites on laburnum. Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London 120(1):16    
Askew, R.R.; Ruse, M. 1970, Chalcidoidea (Hym.) in the Manchester Museum (Part 6). Entomologist 103:235-236    
Askew, R.R.; Shaw, M.R. 1974, An account of the Chalcidoidea (Hymenoptera) parasitizing leaf-mining insects of deciduous trees in Britain. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 6(4):319    
Askew, R.R.; Shaw, M.R. 1976, Chalcidoidea (Hymenoptera) at Abbot's Moss, Cheshire. Lancashire and Cheshire Fauna Society 69:19-22    
Boucek, Z. 1966, Materialy po faune chalcid (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea) Moldavskoy SSR. 2. Trudy Moldavskogo Nauchno-Issledovatel'skogo Instituta Sadovodstva, Vinogradarstva i Vinodeliya. Kishinev. 13:36    
Boucek, Z.; Askew, R.R. 1968, Hym. Chalcidoidea. Palearctic Eulophidae (excl. Tetrastichinae). Index of Entomophagous Insects 3:116 (Eds: Delucchi, V.; Remaudière, G.) Le François, Paris    
Boucek, Z.; Askew, R.R. 1968, Hym. Chalcidoidea. Palearctic Eulophidae (excl. Tetrastichinae). Index of Entomophagous Insects 3:140 (Eds: Delucchi, V.; Remaudière, G.) Le François, Paris    
Boucek, Z.; Graham, M.W.R. de V. 1978, Chalcidoidea. (In: Fitton, M.G.; Graham, M.W.R. de V.; Boucek, Z.R.J.; Fergusson, N.D.M.; Huddleston, T.; Quinlan, J.; Richards, O.W. A check list of British Insects, Second Edition.) Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects XI(4):106    
Hansson, C. 1985, Taxonomy and biology of the Palaearctic species of Chrysocharis Forster, 1856 (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae). Entomologica Scandinavica (supplement) 26:50    
Heads, P.A.; Lawton, J.H. 1983, Studies on the natural enemy complex of the holly leaf miner (Phytomyza ilicis): the effects of scale on the detection of aggregative responses and the implications for biological control. Oikos 40(2):267-276    
Herting, B. 1978, Neuroptera, Diptera, Siphonaptera. A catalogue of parasites and predators of terrestrial arthropods. Section A. Host or Prey/Enemy. 5:93 Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, Commonwealth Institute of Biological Control    
Peck, O. 1963, A catalogue of the Nearctic Chalcidoidea (Insecta; Hymenoptera). Canadian Entomologist (Supplement) 30:204    
Thompson, W.R. 1955, A catalogue of the parasites and predators of insect pests. Section 2. Host parasite catalogue, Part 3. Hosts of the Hymenoptera (Calliceratid to Evaniid). pp.275 Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, The Commonwealth Institute of Biological Control, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada    
Trjapitzin, V.A. 1978, Hymenoptera II. Chalcidoidea 13. Eulophidae (excl. Tetrastichinae). Opredeliteli Nasekomykh Evropeyskoy Chasti SSR 3:425    
Walker, F. 1839, Monographia Chalciditum 1:57 London (Parasitoid identification correct)     view Walker, F.  (1839) in PDF format
Walker, F. 1839, Monographia Chalciditum 1:58 London (Parasitoid identification correct)     view Walker, F.  (1839) in PDF format
Walker, F. 1839, Monographia Chalciditum 1:74 London (Parasitoid identification correct)     view Walker, F.  (1839) in PDF format
Walker, F. 1839, Monographia Chalciditum 1:75 London (Parasitoid identification correct)     view Walker, F.  (1839) in PDF format
Walker, F. 1839, Monographia Chalciditum 1:98 London (Parasitoid identification correct)     view Walker, F.  (1839) in PDF format
Walker, F. 1840, Descriptions of British Chalcidites. Annals of Natural History 4(24):235 (Parasitoid identification correct)     view Walker, F.  (1840) in PDF format
Walker, F. 1848, List of the specimens of Hymenopterous insects in the collection of the British Museum, part 2 pp.231 E. Newman, London (Parasitoid identification correct)     view Walker, F.  (1848) in PDF format
Yefremova, Z.A.; Civelek, H.S.; Boyadzhiev, P.S.; Dursun, O.; Eskin, A. 2010, Contributions to the Turkish Eulophidae (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea) with new records. Türkiye Entomoloji Dergisi 34(4):454    
Hansson, C. 1985, Taxonomy and biology of the Palaearctic species of Chrysocharis Forster, 1856 (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae). Entomologica Scandinavica (supplement) 26:51    
Yefremova, Z.A.; Civelek, H.S.; Boyadzhiev, P.S.; Dursun, O.; Eskin, A. 2010, Contributions to the Turkish Eulophidae (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea) with new records. Türkiye Entomoloji Dergisi 34(4):454    
Baur, H. 2005, A review of the Eulophidae and Pteromalidae (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) of Greenland. Acta Societatis Zoologicae Bohemoslovenicae 69(1-2):25    
Yefremova, Z.A.; Civelek, H.S.; Boyadzhiev, P.S.; Dursun, O.; Eskin, A. 2010, Contributions to the Turkish Eulophidae (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea) with new records. Türkiye Entomoloji Dergisi 34(4):454    
Boucek, Z.; Askew, R.R. 1968, Hym. Chalcidoidea. Palearctic Eulophidae (excl. Tetrastichinae). Index of Entomophagous Insects 3:105 (Eds: Delucchi, V.; Remaudière, G.) Le François, Paris    
Boucek, Z.; Askew, R.R. 1968, Hym. Chalcidoidea. Palearctic Eulophidae (excl. Tetrastichinae). Index of Entomophagous Insects 3:116 (Eds: Delucchi, V.; Remaudière, G.) Le François, Paris    
Boucek, Z.; Askew, R.R. 1968, Hym. Chalcidoidea. Palearctic Eulophidae (excl. Tetrastichinae). Index of Entomophagous Insects 3:144 (Eds: Delucchi, V.; Remaudière, G.) Le François, Paris    
Erdös, J. 1954, Eulophidae hungaricae indescriptae. Annales Historico-Naturales Musei Nationalis Hungarici (Series Nova) 5:338    
Erdös, J. 1954, Eulophidae hungaricae indescriptae. Annales Historico-Naturales Musei Nationalis Hungarici (Series Nova) 5:339    
Erdös, J. 1956, Additamenta ad cognitionem faunae Chalcidoidarum in Hungaria et regionibus finitmis. VI. 19. Eulophidae. Folia Entomologica Hungarica (series nova) 9:31    
Erdös, J. 1961, Fauna eulophidarum Hungariae generibus speciebusque novis aucta (Hymenoptera). Annales Historico-Naturales Musei Nationalis Hungarici 53:478 (Parasitoid identification correct)    
Hansson, C. 1985, Taxonomy and biology of the Palaearctic species of Chrysocharis Forster, 1856 (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae). Entomologica Scandinavica (supplement) 26:51    
Szelényi, G. 1981, On the chalcidoid flies of the Hortobágy, I. Eulophidae (Hymenoptera). The Fauna of the Hortobágy National Park 1:280-281 (Ed: Mahunka, S.) ISBN 963-05-2519-4 (Parasitoid identification correct) [ Near crassiscapus Thomson. ]    
Szelényi, G. 1981, On the chalcidoid flies of the Hortobágy, I. Eulophidae (Hymenoptera). The Fauna of the Hortobágy National Park 1:282 (Ed: Mahunka, S.) ISBN 963-05-2519-4    
Yefremova, Z.A.; Civelek, H.S.; Boyadzhiev, P.S.; Dursun, O.; Eskin, A. 2010, Contributions to the Turkish Eulophidae (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea) with new records. Türkiye Entomoloji Dergisi 34(4):454    
Boucek, Z. 1988, Australasian Chalcidoidea (Hymenoptera). A biosystematic revision of genera of fourteen families, with a reclassification of species. pp.719 CAB International, Wallingford, Oxon, U.K., Cambrian News Ltd; Aberystwyth, Wales    
Hansson, C. 1985, The entedontine genera Achrysocharoides Girault, Chrysocharis Forster and Kratoysma Boucek (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) in the Oriental region. Entomologica Scandinavica 16:220    
Hansson, C. 1985, Taxonomy and biology of the Palaearctic species of Chrysocharis Forster, 1856 (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae). Entomologica Scandinavica (supplement) 26:51    
Ikeda, E. 1996, Revision of the Japanese species of Chrysocharis (Hymenoptera, Eulophidae), III. Japanese Journal of Entomology 64(3):551    
Yefremova, Z.A.; Civelek, H.S.; Boyadzhiev, P.S.; Dursun, O.; Eskin, A. 2010, Contributions to the Turkish Eulophidae (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea) with new records. Türkiye Entomoloji Dergisi 34(4):454    
Records 51 - 100 of 197
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