Barbuceanu, D.; Andriescu, A. 2009, Species of chalcidoids (Insecta: Hymenoptera), primary parasitoids of Sparganothis pilleriana (Den. et Schiff.) (Insecta: Lepidoptera) in vineyards in southern Romania. Bulletin of the Natural History Museum in Belgrade
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Herting, B. 1977, Hymenoptera. A catalogue of parasites and predators of terrestrial arthropods. Section A. Host or Prey/Enemy.
Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, Institute of Biological Control
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Mitroiu, M 2007, Familia Pteromalidae. Lista faunistica a Romaniei (specii terestre si de apa dulce). Checklist of Romanian Fauna (terrestrial and freshwater species).
(Eds: Moldovan, O.T.; Cimpean, M.; Borda, D.; Lepure, S.; Ilie, V.)
Institutul de Speologie "Emil Racovita", Cluj, Romania (ISBN 978-973-133-130-0)
[ Parasitoid cited as Pteromalus near procerus (Graham). ]
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