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Universal Chalcidoidea Database
Distribution references
Records of
Aprostocetus leptoneuros Ratzeburg, 1844
in Germany:
Domenichini, G. 1966, Hym. Eulophidae. Palaearctic Tetrastichinae. Index of Entomophagous Insects
(Eds: Delucchi, V.; Remaudière, G.)
Le François, Paris
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Graham, M.W.R. de V. 1987, A reclassification of the European Tetrastichinae (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae), with a revision of certain genera. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) (Entomology)
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Kostjukov, V.V. 1978, Hymenoptera II. Chalcidoidea 13. Eulophidae (Tetrastichinae). Opredeliteli Nasekomykh Evropeyskoy Chasti SSR
(Ed: Medvedev, G.S.)
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Ratzeburg, J.T.C. 1844, Die Ichneumonen der Forstinsekten in entomologischer und forstlicher Beziehung
(Parasitoid identification correct)
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Vidal, S. 2001, Entomofauna Germanica. Band 4. Verzeichnis der Hautflügler Deutschalnds. Chalcidoidea. Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte
Beiheft 7:56
(Eds: Dathe, H.H.; Taeger, A.; Blank, S.M.)
ISSN 0232-5535
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