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Universal Chalcidoidea Database

Distribution references

Records of Gahaniella saissetiae Timberlake, 1926 in Argentina:

Records 1 - 3 of 3
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De Santis, L. 1967, Catálogo de los Himenópteros Argentinos de la Serie Parasitica, incluyendo Bethyloidea pp.165 Comision de Investigacion Cientifica, La Plata    
Herting, B. 1972, Homoptera. A catalogue of parasites and predators of terrestrial arthropods. Section A. Host or Prey/Enemy. 2:161 Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, Slough, England    
Trjapitzin, V.A. 2010, A review of the genus Gahaniella Timberlake, 1926 (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Encyrtidae) with description of a new species from Mexico. Russian Entomological Journal 19(3):247