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"Parroquet and Flower of Port Jackson"

Artist: Raper, George
Created: [1789]
Dimensions: 42.8 x 33.1 cm
Reference: Raper Drawing - no. 51


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  • George Raper]
  • The drawing is inscribed in black ink at bottom "PARROQUET and FLOWER of PORT JACKSON Natural Size GEO: RapeR #~ 1789".
  • The drawing is signed "GEO: RapeR" and dated 1789.
  • The drawing is inscribed in pencil at bottom left with the number "51", at lower right "50", and on the reverse "4".
  • The bird was identified by Hindwood (1964) as the Swift Parrot, Lathamus discolor.
  • John Calaby notes the similarity of the plant in this drawing to one in the sketchbook by John Hunter in the National Library of Australia, Canberra. He identifies the plant as the Dotted Sun Orchid Thelymitra ixioides. (Calaby, John (ed). The Hunter Sketchbook. Melbourne, National Library of Australia, 1989 p. 118.)
  • The author of this catalogue record is Suzanne Stenning.
  • By permission of the trustees of the Natural History Museum (London).
  • Two sets of transparencies held in the Natural History Museum (London) Zoology Library and Picture Library: Picture Library order number 15151
  • Miss Eva Godman donated 1962
  • Data sheet available.
  • Hindwood, K.A. 'George Raper: an Artist of the First Fleet', Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Australian Historical Society, Vol. 50, Pt. 1, 1964 pp.32-57.