
Images 1 - 30 of 69
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Image Title Artist

"A Canoe of New South Wales"

Port Jackson Painter

"A Direct North View of Sydney Cove and Port Jackson, the Chief British Settlement in new South Wales, Taken from the North Shorre about one Mile distant, for John White Esqr."

Watling, Thomas

"A Group on the North Shore of Port Jackson, New South Wales"

Watling, Thomas

"A method used by the Natives of New South Wales of ornamenting themselves"

Port Jackson Painter

"A Moo.bee Ornamented after a Burial with a Club of great / size over the Shoulder"

Port Jackson Painter

"A Moo.bee Ornamented after a Burial"

Port Jackson Painter

"A Native carrying a water basket of bark"

Port Jackson Painter

"A Native climbing a tree near his Bark Hut and Fire"

Port Jackson Painter

"A Native going to Dance"

Port Jackson Painter

"A Native going to Fish with a Torch and flambeaux, while his Wife and children are broiling fish for their supper"

Port Jackson Painter

"A Native of New South Wales equipt for Fight"

Port Jackson Painter

"A Native of New South Wales ornamented after the manner of the Country"

Port Jackson Painter

"A Native of New South Wales surprising and wounding another whilst asleep"

Port Jackson Painter

"A Native of New South Wales with a Fizgig and a throwing stick in his hand"

Port Jackson Painter

"A Native spearing a Kangaroo"

Port Jackson Painter

"A Native striking a Fish"

Port Jackson Painter

"A Native Woman and her Child"

Port Jackson Painter

"A Native wounded while asleep"

Port Jackson Painter

"A New South Wales native sticking fish while his wife is employed fishing with hooks and lines in her canoe"

Port Jackson Painter

"A New South Wales Native stricking fish by moonlight"

Port Jackson Painter

"A Norfolk Island Hand Adges"

Port Jackson Painter

"A paddle made from bark, a Native his hair matted with gum, A Basket made of the knot of a tree"

Port Jackson Painter

"A view in Port Jackson. A woman meeting her husband who has been out on some exploit and offering him some fish"

Port Jackson Painter

"A woman of New South Wales cureing the head ache"

Port Jackson Painter

"Abbarroo a moobee after Balloderrees funeral"

Port Jackson Painter

"Ban nel lang meeting the Governor by apointment after he was wounded by Willemaring in September 1790"

Port Jackson Painter

"Cameragal the chief of the most powerful Tribe in New South Wales"

Port Jackson Painter

"Canoes of various Islands visited and discovered by the Waaksamheydt"

Raper, George

"Colebee, when a Moobee, after Balloderrees Burial"

Port Jackson Painter

"Da-ring-ha, Colebee's Wife"

Watling, Thomas

Images 1 - 30 of 69
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