Image Title |
Artist |
"A Canoe of New South Wales" |
Port Jackson Painter |
"A Direct North View of Sydney Cove and Port Jackson, the Chief British Settlement in new South Wales, Taken from the North Shorre about one Mile distant, for John White Esqr." |
Watling, Thomas |
"A Group on the North Shore of Port Jackson, New South Wales" |
Watling, Thomas |
"A method used by the Natives of New South Wales of ornamenting themselves" |
Port Jackson Painter |
"A Moo.bee Ornamented after a Burial with a Club of great / size over the Shoulder" |
Port Jackson Painter |
"A Moo.bee Ornamented after a Burial" |
Port Jackson Painter |
"A Native carrying a water basket of bark" |
Port Jackson Painter |
"A Native climbing a tree near his Bark Hut and Fire" |
Port Jackson Painter |
"A Native going to Dance" |
Port Jackson Painter |
"A Native going to Fish with a Torch and flambeaux, while his Wife and children are broiling fish for their supper" |
Port Jackson Painter |
"A Native of New South Wales equipt for Fight" |
Port Jackson Painter |
"A Native of New South Wales ornamented after the manner of the Country" |
Port Jackson Painter |
"A Native of New South Wales surprising and wounding another whilst asleep" |
Port Jackson Painter |
"A Native of New South Wales with a Fizgig and a throwing stick in his hand" |
Port Jackson Painter |
"A Native spearing a Kangaroo" |
Port Jackson Painter |
"A Native striking a Fish" |
Port Jackson Painter |
"A Native Woman and her Child" |
Port Jackson Painter |
"A Native wounded while asleep" |
Port Jackson Painter |
"A New South Wales native sticking fish while his wife is employed fishing with hooks and lines in her canoe" |
Port Jackson Painter |
"A New South Wales Native stricking fish by moonlight" |
Port Jackson Painter |
"A Norfolk Island Hand Adges" |
Port Jackson Painter |
"A paddle made from bark, a Native his hair matted with gum, A Basket made of the knot of a tree" |
Port Jackson Painter |
"A view in Port Jackson. A woman meeting her husband who has been out on some exploit and offering him some fish" |
Port Jackson Painter |
"A woman of New South Wales cureing the head ache" |
Port Jackson Painter |
"Abbarroo a moobee after Balloderrees funeral" |
Port Jackson Painter |
"Ban nel lang meeting the Governor by apointment after he was wounded by Willemaring in September 1790" |
Port Jackson Painter |
"Cameragal the chief of the most powerful Tribe in New South Wales" |
Port Jackson Painter |
"Canoes of various Islands visited and discovered by the Waaksamheydt" |
Raper, George |
"Colebee, when a Moobee, after Balloderrees Burial" |
Port Jackson Painter |
"Da-ring-ha, Colebee's Wife" |
Watling, Thomas |