Fossil hunter Mary Anning commemorated with new 50p coin collection
New 50p coin collection honours fossil hunter Mary Anning.
25 February 2021 -
Mars 2020: Perseverance rover has landed
The Mars 2020 rover landed near the Jezero Crater on 18 February 2021.
18 February 2021 -
Science news
Oldest-ever DNA extracted from a million-year-old mammoth tooth
It is shedding light on how the Columbian mammoth came to be.
7 December 2022 -
Science news
Most southerly evidence of Neanderthals revealed in cave in Palestine
The fossilised tooth of a nine-year-old child found in Shuqba Cave is the most southerly evidence of Neanderthals ever discovered.
15 February 2021 -
Science news
Plastic microfibres found in the stomach of deep-sea fish
Tiny plastic fibres have been found in the stomachs of deep-sea fish living in a remote part of the South Atlantic Ocean.
12 February 2021 -
Science news
Ancient burials near Stonehenge reveal how cultures merged in the Bronze Age
Rather than a violent turnover of populations, there was a merging of communities.
11 February 2021 -
Science news
We need to act now to save nature
It will cost us double to preserve nature unless we act now, Museum scientists have found.
11 February 2021 -
Science news
Modern human origins cannot be traced back to a single point in time
Genetic and fossil records do not reveal a single point where modern humans originated, researchers have found.
10 February 2021 -
Wildlife Photographer of the Year 56: People's Choice Award winner announced
Irwin's capture of a bushfire wins the WPY People's Choice Award 2020.
10 February 2021 -
Science news
Centipedes have borrowed proteins in their venom from bacteria and fungi
Toxic proteins from bacteria have helped centipedes with their own arsenel.
5 February 2021