Contact us
NHM Consulting
The Natural History Museum
Cromwell Road
London SW7 5BD
The Museum offers environmental, ecological and biodiversity assessment and monitoring, as well as conservation advice and expert witnessing.
Our project teams draw on multidisciplinary expertise to fulfil our clients' needs and deliver projects to the highest-possible standards. With more than 350 in-house scientists, we are uniquely positioned to carry out worldwide consultancy work.
What we offer
Our services cover ecological baseline studies, monitoring and assessment, including:
- marine benthic and nektonic fauna and flora identification and analysis
- entomology, herpetology and mammalian expertise covering all ecosystem types
- commercial and non-commercial fish, mollusc and crustacean assessment and monitoring
- fully equipped, certified and deployable shallow-water scuba team with photo and video survey capability
- Ecological Impact Assessments (EcIA): scoping studies, ecological enhancement and mitigation advice, assessment of biodiversity and ecological impact using a thorough, holistic approach
- biotope identificiation and assessment
- ornithology: identification of birds, clutches and nests, and community assessment
- marine biology: identification of species, laboratory-based projects, and major coastal and marine surveys
- assessment of invasive pest species
- identification of cetaceans (whales, dolphins and porpoises)
Get in touch with the team
Need our expertise for your next project? Email the team at to find out more about consultancy at the Museum.