Richard Spruce Collection

About the notebooks

What you see on the notebook page is a transcription taken directly from the notebook. The notebooks were digitally imaged at RBG, Kew.


What was in the notebooks

Spruce kept detailed notes on the specimens that he collected. These were generally written in Latin but sometimes in English. Information on each collecting number was recorded in two sections, one the left-hand page of the notebook and the other on the facing, right-hand page. Left-hand page notes tend to be more detailed and extensive, with information about the form, habit and habitat of the plant.


How you can help

In Spruce's later years his health deteriorated quite badly and his handwriting suffered. If you spot any mistakes in our transcription then please email us ( and let us know the collector number and what you think it should say. We'd be most grateful.

Email comments, corrections and additions to: Spruce project

Funded by Mellon foundation     In partnership with RBG Kew