The Echinoid Directory

Melonechinus Meek & Worthen, 1861, p. 396

[=Melonites Owen & Norwood, 1846, p. 225 (non Lamarck, 18122, p. 615); =Melechinus Quenstedt, 1875, p. 381 (objective); ?=Donbassechinus Faas, 1941, p. 73, type species]

Diagnostic Features
  • Test shape globular, typically large; plating thick and tesselate.
  • Apical disc small; monocyclic; genital plates larger, pentagonal, with three gonopores to each plate.
  • Ambulacra more or less straight and as wide as the interambulacral zones; multiserial throughout. An outer and and inner series of plates in each half ambulacrum with another 3 or 4 intermediate columns. Each plate with a small pore-pair; pore-pairs forming a rather broad band on either side of the ambulacrum. Innermost series of plates largest, with wide perradial zone. Only fine granulation; no primary tubercles.
  • Interambulacral zones wide; composed of up to 9 regular columns of polygonal plates.
  • Interambulacral plates with granulation only; no primary tubercle..
  • Peristome small, plating unknown.
  • Lantern and spines unknown.
Lower Carboniferous, USA, Europe, China, ?Former Soviet Union.
Name gender masculine
Melonites multipora Owen & Norwood, 1846, p. 225, by original designation.
Species Included
  • M. multiporus (Owen & Norwood, 1846); St Louis Group. Lower Carboniferous, USA.
  • M. dispar (Fischer von Waldheim, 1848); Lower Carboniferous, Russia.
  • M. parvus (Hambach, 1884); St Louis Group, Lower Carboniferous, USA.
  • M. springeri Jackson, 1912; St Louis Group, Lower Carboniferous, USA
  • M. crassus (Hambach, 1884); St Louis Group, Lower Carboniferous, USA.
  • M. indianensis (Miller & Gurley, 1894); St Louis Group, Lower Carboniferous, USA.
  • M. stewartii (Safford, 1869); St Louis Group, Lower Carboniferous, USA.
  • M. septenarius (Jackson, 1896); Warsaw Group, Lower Carboniferous, USA.
  • M. obovatus Jackson, 1912; Lower Carboniferous, USA.
  • M. liratus jackson, 1912; Lower Carboniferous, USA.
  • M. keepingi Jackson, 1912; Lower Carboniferous, England.
  • M. etheridgei (Keeping, 1876); Lower Carboniferous, England.
  • M. vanderbilti Jackson, 1912; Lower Carboniferous, USA.
  • M. giganteus (Jackson, 1896); Lower Carboniferous, USA.
  • M. chuseni Chao, 1942; Lower Carboniferous, China.
Classification and/or Status

Stem group Echinoidea; Palaechinidae.

Assumed monophyletic.


The wide adradial bands of pore-pairs, piercing small hexagonal columns of plates distinguishes this taxon from other Palaechinidae.

Jackson, R. T. 1912. Phylogeny of the Echini, with a revision of Palaeozoic species Memoirs of the Boston Society of Natural History 7, 491 pp. 76 pls.

Jackson, R. T. 1896. Studies of Palaeechinoida Geol. Soc. America Bull. 7, 171-254, pls 2-9.