The Echinoid Directory

Clypeobrissus Currie, 1925, p. 69

Diagnostic Features
  • Test sub-circular, length greater than breadth; apical surface bluntly conical; margin undulating; oral surface concave towards peristome and pulvinated. Highest point at the apical disc, situated central or slightly posterior.
  • Apical system central to slightly posterior, tetrabasal, composed of four small genital plates with large perforations and five small perforated oculars. The right anterior genital plate is prolonged backwards in the madreporite plate, which is large and occupies the centre of the apical disc.
  • Petals of equal length, extending to margin; inner pore short, outer pores slit-like. Pore-fields wide.
  • Peristome pentagonal, slightly eccentric to the anterior, surrounded by a strongly developed floscelle.
  • Periproct oval, marginal, at the summit of a shallow perpendicular groove on the posterior edge.
  • Bourrelets well developed.
  • Phylodes sunken, slightly broadened, long, double pored, with two or three series of pore pairs in each half ambulacrum.
  • No buccal pores present.
  • Tubercles perforate with sunken scrobicules. Tubercles on the adoral surface slightly larger than those on the adapical surface.
Bathonian, Middle Jurassic of Africa.
Name gender masculine
Clypeobrissus somaliensis Currie, 1925, p. 69-70, by original designation.
Species Included
  • Only the type species.
Classification and/or Status

Irregularia; Neognathostomata.

Subjective junior synonym of Bothryopneustes Fourtau, 1924.


Currie (1925) erected the genus Clypeobrissus for her species Clypeobrissus somaliensis, unaware of Fourtau's Bothryopneustes. Later Currie (1927, p. 425) considered her species congeneric with B. lamberti, as did Kier (1962, p. 41) and Clypeobrissus a synonym of Bothryopneustes.

E. D. Currie. 1925. The collection of fossils and rocks from Somaliland. Pt. 5, Jurassic and Eocene Echinoidea. Monograph of the Geological Department of the Hunterian Museum, Glasgow University, pp. 46-76, pls. 8-10.

E. D. Currie. 1927. Jurassic and Eocene Echinoidea from Somaliland. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 55, pt. 2 (18), pp. 411-441, I pl., 7 text figs.

P. M. Kier. 1962. Revision of the cassiduloid echinoids. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, 144 (3) 262 pp.